
This is the diamond and pearl remake lol 

Or this game was being worked on at the start and the last batch where an evolution of handheld. *shrug* 

Maybe Hardsuit Labs fired him and not Paradox? So Paradox tried the new team and was like. Fuck let’s get that guy back. You can’t work with him? And they were like nope, and soo new team brings back Mitsoda? Maybe? 

Yeah, but somehow there’s like 3-5 visual novels that are out. They keep pumping blood life into those. 

I’m so excited for it, almost was more excited for it than Cyberpunk. 

I enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, beat it last week. But on PC. Was a fun romp. So your disaster is my enjoyment. For me it was less buggy than Skyrim was at launch. But I get it. 

They’ve already had 3 patches lol they will have it done this year, if anything this asshat delayed the next patch. jesus. 

If said journalists are the ones leaking it to the public though.... oh boy that’s a crime. 

Forgot Fahey. I might actually check back now. 

NOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!! Why? First Jason now you? Well... Best of luck to you. Hope you are on to better things.

Kitboga is a fun stream. Just saying. He plays scammers. 

She rocks. Holy crap. What a takedown! 

Somehow, Palpatine Returned... AGAIN! 

What’s a little risk? Game of Thrones got 8 season. How much does a Gamestop cost Micheal? $12? 

Tying it to multi was why I hated the red, blue, green endings. Fuck making me do multi just to do that to me. Also there was an ipad/iphone game you could play in single player too that could count if you connected if I remember right. I remmeber playing that a couple times through to get the points lol 

I heard abouot this two days ago and now I know enough to want in but I’m in the same boat. I didn’t bother when I saw all require 2 days lol 

granted, I didn’t mean to imply he’s a bad person, I like him, I just also felt like often the pieces had a slant, but every reporter does it. And Kotaku does love having spicy slanty pieces. Why else do we come here for? 

Nah it’s playable just fine on PC  though, it sounds like it’s mainly a problem for old PS4's and Ones because pro has been fine and my pc as well. Some bugs but nothing that isn’t like a common betheseda launch. 

Or maybe media hype isn’t something to defend? Maybe just maybe think for yourself is what I am saying? It’s not complete garbage, it’s sure as hell better than Fallout 76 was at launch, and less buggier than Fallout New Vegas was at launch but again, people fell intoo a hype that this was goinig to save them from

Lack of function is overblown. This is getting old. PS4 and PC player. Barely any bugs, was way worse bugs back during the PS3 days during the Skyrim days. That game became unplayable towards the end because of how huge the save files got.