yup, she can always make it worse.
yup, she can always make it worse.
tends to be how boycotts work lol
Just reminder you are lumping two years in a season. Stop inflating. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/01/11/amid-coronavirus-flu-cases-record-low/4127197001/
And Flu actually went down because of mask wearing. Almost like we could prevent both from spreading if people cared more. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/01/11/amid-coronavirus-flu-cases-record-low/4127197001/
Source? Also, way less cases: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/01/11/amid-coronavirus-flu-cases-record-low/4127197001/
Also this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/01/11/amid-coronavirus-flu-cases-record-low/4127197001/
Trolling? because news today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/01/11/amid-coronavirus-flu-cases-record-low/4127197001/
Well next gen version comes out next year, so you are playing on a PS4 slightly better Pro right now. In terms of this game at least.
I too have learned this technic.
People forgot how buggy Witcher 3 was and how the UI was changed even post launch. lol When it’s patched it will be a dream.
Oh shut up. Her transphobic remarks were publicly made and she recently wrote a book painting trans person in a bad light. Your rosy glasses of the past are just so you can put your head up your ass and not pay attention that this she is in the wrong. There was nothing private about it.
You need to read what Rowling has said. She is a phobe and she is fearful of trans people. You are also a moron
Lol things are getting worse so endong in oct is tone fucking death
The only one that could claim anything is Lana Del Rey when I think of that title I think of her song not Monster energy drinks lol
Well the original looked like BOTW meets Greece. So I am bummed but this looks good.
I enjoy mods as something to go back to years later. Makes it new and fresh. But yeah I don’t care as much lol i just want to game.
In two years you will want to upgrade to something else anyways. Hence Why I’m not even worried.
I pretend mine is because it’s obviously terrible. I just have it reflect what he emotionally may be feeling. He’s using Haikus as a way to process and do therapy.
Finally now can Twitter ban him!?
Reading it was like.... this is Palpatine levels of mastery from PT. This shit is sith power. I mean basically said he was a sith. How do people just ignore this stuff?