
The big bang was just sex. 

50% of those that hold on to archaic beliefs on breasts and women having to be covered, pegging on to “Christian” values. Not 50% of the population or anything. Thanks for misreading the comment. Also, women losing the right to control their bodies in Republican states IS going back in time. Trump puts in beer

That’s because they support the idea that women are property, and I guarantee those that are stuck in this belief, at least 50% of those are scared that “Muslims will take over America and make women property”. Oh, how naive they are, Trump is doing a fine job of it already and they voted for him! .

Books and manga don’t need to lay it all out for you. The book is a glimpse at the human condition. It shows how a kid with good intentions becomes the very thing he was killing. He killed without mercy and was basically no different from the criminals that he was killing. The No Heaven and Hell is a big deal, the

I’m mainly worried about Ciri, she’s fairly old. I. The books she is still a child when Geralt meets her so it should be interesting how they do the timeline. Especially since he met her parents and brought them together. So not sure what they will show or tell in the show.

It seems to but there are norma well meaning good people who like those things too. Let’s not think one group represents all of the group.

How very biased you are. These comments give me no hope for the change a lot of people claim they want. I only see ignorance breeding more of it. Thanks Kotaku. Would love more positive discussions that generate actual change and understanding from people. This picking sides stuff doesn’t help anyone. History had

It doesn’t matter his or her race. What is very shocking is that generalization is happening by the very people who claim they want to undo it. People need to practice what they preach. I only see hate breeding more of the same on both sides in the comments here. 

Don’t be too blind there with that white knighting. You seem to forget that there are all humans here. Not sure what the problem is for having a lack of choice. Could be a person who is a minority and is using games and avatars to not deal with racism for awhile. You pretty much generalized his or her race and decided

They are also making a game called Town or that’s the working title

Most likely saw it happening on a Security Camera. Corporate never found out, the GM did and was just making sure nothing further happened. That’s my guess.

Thanks! Realized after opening my app again that I’m Early Access, Beta was like a week or so ago and they are under NDA. Guess that’s why I only got to the 1 screen. Weird launch from them honestly. Was hoping Kotaku had some info. 

Stephen, has anyone written on Elder Scrolls Blades Beta releasing last night? I was able to download it and kill 1 thalmor and sign into my Betheseda account and then a message says thanks for playing, have your phone settings set to notifications so the next phase of the Beta will be notified to you for Blades. Is

Rinse and repeat, don’t forget they cancelled the third game either right on release or just after release of the 2nd game. Both Times. Yes I’m counting KOTOR and The Force Unleashed (which isn’t as good, but hell it was something at least)

I could be wrong, but in Japan seeing a woman’s privates is considered obscene. I’m pretty sure I’ve read that on this site. Who is to say he’s just as shocked to see her vagina? My god the click bait is strong with this.

Just want to say with Rogue Squadron you could do First Person. That’s how I always played it.

Are you on the Rey is a Versio theory yet?

I think people are just taking the show a bit too seriously. This is a comedy show like South Park. It makes valid points, but also tears those apart.

I’m speaking on Canon, and how it’s treated. Not that I support or not support it. But nice to see people STILL comment on this shit. Like get over it lol.

Like Legend of Korra? More like, the studio that brought you Korra, pretty sure the dude in that one video is one of the Korra cast even.