No Lives Matter then? Great!
No Lives Matter then? Great!
Can you do an article on this game and how it doesn’t size to screens? I can’t even play it because I can’t see anything on menus for items and stuff because it is off of my screen. Nothing works. Pretty damn bummed.
It’s a fucking comment board. Have fun grammar nazi.
My point is I’d be not shocked either way, but she knows the rules for those events and will probably wear what’s expected at one. Because it just is the safer option. That’s politics.
They will be bad in one way or another. Hillary is a horrible person, and so is trump, but they will run the country in bad ways one wants war, the other wants to build walls. It’s not stupid to recognize this, and if you don’t then...god help you. Also they used to and still do hang out and call each other friends.…
Just because “Modern Times” doesn’t consider it “Gauche” does not mean it’s not still “Gauche”. Table Manners, knowing what to wear at a black tie event or a white tie event is very important. Just because the kids don’t know these things, the adults and older generations do. And you will be judged. Knowing what’s…
What the fucking fuck? You do realize they are both awful for our country right?
Black Tie Events were always Tuxes and Gowns. It is Gauche not to wear one of those. REgardless if modern times says otherwise.
I remember being creeped out at the end of that one as it always showed what people saw of your palace after you lost the game. lol I miss the real people though from either that one or 2 that gave you advice, especially elvis dude.
so much rage..not enough humor for your screen name.
Stephen remember Betheseda’s Todd Howard that the team were making some side projects before a new main entry to either Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Maybe this is a special game for Nintendo that’s more of a shorter RPG of Skyrimish type game?
It’s gauche to wear a pantsuit to a black tux, white tie type of event. So that’s probably why it’s a cross between what she wears and what’s appropriate. If the inaugural ball is a black tie event like I believe it is... don’t expect a pant suit either.
regardless both are awful and we won’t be better off having either as president.
Rather have mittens than either one of these two.
You really don’t know anything those fundraisers do and what catholics give to the needy and poor. lol
I’ve had enough of both of their bullshit. I don’t want either please.
It’s hard to joke when the jokes are how fucked you are to have people like her in power, and how the guy running against her is awful in a different way...
Actually they quite enjoyed his remarks. This event is supposed to be full of Burns that’s what they pay thousands for. You must be forgetting the Mitt/Obama dinner.
From the videos you shared here. Trump had way more burns on hillary. Hillary’s a pretty damn stupid teen type of Burns, his focus on the fact that she’s an awful person in government that deserves no more praise then he does.
And every other console made by a japan company... that’s just the biz.