You mean the PS4 Slim that has a 4K Blu Ray player and isn’t an upgrade in anyway to the gaming part?
You mean the PS4 Slim that has a 4K Blu Ray player and isn’t an upgrade in anyway to the gaming part?
The only good he’s ever done me is those South Park Episodes.
These except that little guy are in my top 5, replace the little guy with the fucking Demon Dogs that spit lightening, and that there was a room with 2 of them....
I think it depends on the priest marrying you. My parents the priest required a conversion. But also, in this day and age Catholics are now being a bit more open to the world, they are a shrinking religion and have dealt with a lot of issues in the past 20 years so things have changed since my parents got married lol.
It’s just a slim PS4 with a 4K Blu Ray player built in. Smart move. This “leak” is trash. It’s not really going to be a PS4.5 There is no upgrade to the gaming at all.... lol
Nudity in Yandre? Are we dumb? There are white boxes censoring it the entire time there is “nudity”.... god...
No it’s not. This is just the PS4 slim. It’s not going to be an upgrade to gaming, but an upgrade to movie hardware. It’s a 4K blu ray player with a PS4 attached to it. The normal PS4 is a normal Blu Ray player. That is it. Games won’t change between models. Nothing is going to look better or play better. It’s a slim,…
Most people normal like me and you don’t notice anything... you can’t really see anything different as we upgrade more and more, jsut faster load times. people who claim they can see differences just like the idea of feeling “cool” and down with tech.
I heard from my sony rep that it’s just an update for 4k streaming, and that the new ps4 is just a slim model nothing more lol. Lot’s of hype for something that isn’t going to do anything for all.... The microsoft rep told me otherwise because they “watch” for sony’s patents and that what you report is in…
Blame the gamer for the shoddy work you did... wow... glad I traded that awful game in for Dark Souls 3. (Bought it Used to begin with) The Divison should have added couch co-op, but it didn’t and the game was bad... just awful.
Graphic has a typo original PS4 has 176gb not 17gb, it was fixed on giant bombs... comon kotaku!
First one isn’t no. Second yes! (I think it’s funny that america only requires “Asian” and not actually the nationality it perscribes which is JApanese) To “Asians” there are more than just one type of “Asian” as features change from culture to culture, and it’s a whitewashing thing Americans have done…
Dragon Ball stayed pretty true. Bulma is a white chick, and Goku doesn’t have to be “japanese” he’s an ALIEN! Also, it’s a Japanese telling of a Chinese tale so the whole thing is a bit screwy. lol
Anyone found a dupe yet?! I’ve been saving all those soul lost souls and boss souls for any dupe glitches... lol I’ve never done it in Bloodborne or any other dark souls and this time I swore to myself I was going to if there is a dupe so I don’t have a harder time in the later half like I did in bloodborne. that got…
I used a loincloth character to start with, and I don’t wear armor and can play it just like Bloodborne.
IDK... I’ve been playing the game so far with Bloodborne tactics and doing fine. I started my character with barren or the one that has a loinclothe and I only died twice with the first boss, and the second time I died I was more focused on getting my old souls back that I died after I had got them, then I kicked the…
I’m in the same boat bro.
It’s still shit then. They kept having Indoctrination be a thing and kept asking Shepard about it. I mean he was starting to see shit. Ah... Bioware writers weren’t the greatest in the past few games, and most are leaving. Dragon Age Inquistion had a pretty decent story, minus the whole MMO BS that limited any side…
Oh I was a burnt crisp. Or shepard me yup. Twitching because it hurt like hell. I really hope the indoctrination theory is true.. but it looks like they are avoiding answering it in the next game.
Ah. by then I was done playing though. Beat the game the first week as it was a vacation week for college. Didn’t know it got patched. I didn’t get any of the DLC afterwards after they burned me.