
Has not Have. Why is proper title’s hard for Gawker Media?

You must be eating bad meat then lol

Man I can never get real far in 3. some stupid person always runs in front of the battle that people cause on the streets and I end up killing a civilian and shit starts going down. every time. I got sick of it in 3 lol

It’s sad as single player RPGs are almost dying. Betheseda keeps downgrading every next game taking elements away that made it an RPG and Bioware has skimped on meaningful side-quests more and more, and less meaningful choices too. CD Projekt Red is my only hope, they’ve gotten better and better each game. Witcher 3

Only half of what the DLC there is still 3 packs un-announced.

And a dialouge tree that gives you options to end up in the same route and also do nothing.... Fallout 4 sucks compared to 3 and New Vegas. I can’t even say it’s truely a fallout game.

Is Senran Kagura Estival versus plot any good?


The Manga is very enjoyable as well and they made a High School Redux where everyone is highschool aged instead of 20 something.

I remember being at a friends birthday party and I gave him Pokemon cards along with a lot of other friends and his parents. It’s one of the things he wanted was a Charizard. I remember him opening the last pack up, I think at that point it was from his parents, and in it was a holographic Charizard. Everyone was

Shhhhhh! It’s not made with a woman who wants to subvert the normal power fantasy of vijagames.


He thinks Fable 2 came out before Oblivion and it shaped Oblivion. Fucking moron doesn’t realize Oblivion came out March 2006 and Fable 2 came out October 2008.

You fucking moron Oblivion came out well before Fable 2.

It’s still episodic right? If it is I’m just going to wait for the Disc release.

Yup. Teen Titans the original show was just an american Anime (even though asia drew most of the animations but that’s besides the point lol)

You did murder my dog. Lol I wasn’t mad just calling bullshit.

Well it’s true and not. Back then they didn’t have any ownership of stories and shit. It was very common back then to steal other plays/works and write your own. In fact Shakespeare had it. BAck then people would go to plays and write the script down word for word as they heard it while in the stands, run back to

Been saying that for 3 years now... it will never come.