
Doubt she looks like the chick in the photo. Looks are not everything but I think while I read this I was imagining this chick as the one playing him and thinking maybe this is why he is staying? Then I realized what real life is like and seeing guys (and girls) getting played like this a few times in the moronic

The first 2 haven’t even seen the last Hobbit was better written then the last 3 bioware games. DAI was a lot better than the two games by Bioware before it in terms of story... but it lacked side quests and was too MMO BS to be compared to Origins or Kotor. Man I need Kotor remastered. Fuck Bioware. I just want Kotor

They have been losing writers over there like crazy. I don’t think the story telling is there anymore. I’m about to count Bioware dead or undead so to speak.

They just lost the lead writers for DA and 1 at least for Mass Effect. Bioware is dead in the story telling sense.

LOL they don’t have the writers anymore so they are just using the old combat and making money. Bioware is dead I think now.

They lost DA’s lead writer... they want to mix shit up and not do story well anymore it seems. A lot of lead writers have LEFT bioware in the past month. It’s over. My money will no longer go to them. May CD Projekt Red fill their void.

Losing 2 lead writers at Bioware makes it so they need to make things bigger in other sides since it’s too expensive for story now... lol I’m out Bioware if you stop writing good stories (which have been lacking already)

Having lost 2 lead writers in the past month makes me more worried. If they go away from Story Based RPGS I won’t buy their games anymore. Quality has already been lacking for a few titles.

they lost the franchise’s lead they pretty much need to make a buck by not selling what Bioware is known for, stories, now. Which is when I won’t buy the game anymore.

Is this because they lost Gaider 2 weeks ago and now don’t know how to make a story based RPG anymore? If they ditch story-based RPGS I won’t buy their games anymore. It’s already taken some hits from the past few titles (even DAI was great but they like Fallout had too many weak MMO style of play and not enough

They have another set of 3 DLC yet to announce for that season pass, otherwise that 60 dollar price they will be going to will be a fucking rip off lol

They need to just end it already. Tons of Anime only gets 1 season but this show has gone too long. I love it but 800 episodes would cut out a huge chunk of my life.... blah. And that’s not even the what 12 or more movies out of it too?

Has Case Closed ever well you know finished yet? I know there are about 500 or more episodes waiting for me as I’ve only seen about 160 that were dubbed (can’t stand the japanese voice actor for the kid). But I really want to watch it only if it actually ends at some point. If it’s like Pokemon I’ll be fine never

KOTOR 2 only sold bad because Lucas Arts rushed the game out, and released it before the street date. People were confused as fuck. I was so happy to get it so early when I saw it in a store as my Gamestop didn’t evne CALL me about it being in, I bought it at a Walmart. And was sad to find things were missing from the

“Revan we must get the Star Maps to defend the galaxy from the Reapers. You knew the Jedi would never listen to us about this threat. The Star Forge is our key to saving this pitiful galaxy.” -Darth Malak

Just had a thought. what if these “fans” are actually Gaider and His buddy who BOTH left their posts at Bioware/Obsidian respectively in the last few months. Which is funny because about last spring I tweeted at Gaider and he and the other dude said they were itching to do another Kotor soon... and then.... they leave

That’s the thing though. The Jedi had left common sense behind. The major flaw of the Council is it’s hubris. And because they believed they could see a Sith a mile away (or more) they believed in no way shape or form could Palpatine be that sith. He was merely just a slimy politician being a politician.

The Jedi were arrogant and believed they could spot a Sith a mile away. Palpatine used that against them. The real problem was the Jedi Order was way too dogmatic, and was not part of the living force. Jinn if he lived probably would have left the order and taught Anakin the ways of the living force and frankly Anakin

How did Vader Down end?

He may have been born on Endor maybe but he definitely grew up on Yavin 4.