
Footage can be directed one way and commercialized a different way. Just because he directed it doesn’t mean he had any choice in how it was commercialized. Get better at knowing how the industry works. Look at the Phantom Menace for instance how it was commercialized by Fox was way different to how Lucas directed the

To be honest that’s pretty much what a lot of non-diverse options in this game feels like. Betheseda honestly relies on the modding community to bring those options instead of giving it to us in the base game. Just look at how boring a lot of options are for settlements and other things. It’s almost like they expect

We supposed to feel bad because you leaked shit you shouldn’t have legally obtained anyways? Wow... Look how far Kotaku is falling...

In short: JJ hasn’t been doing anything with the commercials as he was working on the film, he only told them what not to put in. Disney has been commercializing the shit out of it not JJ.

It won’t “flop” Disney is going to have the movie sold out the opening weekend weather it’s great or terrible. It will be the next film that is doomed if this one is awful. Not this one.

You can probally rest easy though because I am willing to bet the next ES will be in a new engine, remember Fallout 4 was started after Fallout 3 development and that was before the new consoles, so now with better consoles in mind (hopefully we get it before PS5) they might update/ change engines.

Had little of the jank that I got from Skyrim. My game only booted me out about 3 times but that was because I was dying and reloading quickly during those times os I think it was just an error of dying to quickly lol. Haven’t noticed a lot of bugs only maybe 1 here and there but I’m on PS4 so not sure what system you

It’s the same engine as Skyrim but not of the older games, it’s been updated. Look at other engines UNREAL is the SAME FUCKING THING back to Unreal 1.0 but now 4 looks amazing. That’s my point. Also the faces DO look better in this game. I love Pipers and Nick’s. Is the lip movement off yet? Yes. Could the engine be

Look an idiot came to comment. all game engines have been developed over time and came forth from older engines. This is nothing new. If you want betheseda to make a new engine that would set development back for years and I don’t see a problem with this new engine. Heck in another installment they will have updated


It can be the same character with just change of gender, so it’d be 1 of 2 possible looks nothing more Is what I’m saying. Also the New Zelda is sounding more open world and RPG than old editions, remember they loved Skyrim and are trying to mimic it in their own IP we know literally nothing besides it’s going open

Who wants to bet that one of the new features of the Twilight Princess Remake is a female link option? Who also bets that there will be a female link option in the NEW zelda?

My wife’s Pipboy edition was fine, mine was fine except the steelbook was completely shattered in the middle. Lucked out at Target, one lady was trying to snag the last 4 Nuka Cola’s after another guy snagged 8 before her (they where trying to limit sales to one but confused employees made it impossible) there were

I’m outraged as that is the laziest design they have done in years.. Just red? c’mon. Who cares about christmas, it’s a red cup with a logo, laziest holiday design by starbucks.

Same here!

Exactly. I admit she did great and was better at being more dramatic and less hammy, but I like my Hammy with my Sci-Fi.

I really hope they are honest about her in the film and show how a few months before GG got started that she used Robin William’s suicide to promote her game.

That’s a matter of opinion. I thought Mark brought a sense of goofiness that Hale didn’t and I enjoyed that a LOT more.

Was there really a difference that was noticeable with Last Gen for DA:I?

I think if it leveled up your stats that’d be cool!