The Dreadful crimes also contain Sweeney Todd and Jekyll and Hyde missions with twists of course. I have a video up on the Sweeney Todd one.
The Dreadful crimes also contain Sweeney Todd and Jekyll and Hyde missions with twists of course. I have a video up on the Sweeney Todd one.
Both sides did equal shit to each other in many different wars. Japan is no saint but Korea isn’t one either.
I’d have to say a certain pirate was somewhat living a transgender life but.. then again she still identified as a woman at heart...
How about I never play...because it sounds stupid. Perma-death happens in real life, why do I want to do that with my videogames?
I hope the voice actors are temp, Vader’s is so bad.... come on.
Re-read his comment “mate” he wasn’t commenting on Quantity of DLC but QUALITY.
HAve them strike. I wanted to be a voice actor for years and these idiots get to be in everything and get a lot of perks. Strike if you want to. Maybe we will finally hear some one else’s voice besides Troy Baker in everything. It’s getting annoying anyways to hear him in every stinking game, and sometimes MORE THAN…
If we could have less of him in every game that’d be great. Win for me.
He’s also a Sith Lord.
I didn’t care for the english because I was excited about who the Voice Cast was in the Japan audio when the first trailer dropped. So I want the Japan audio. I would even buy it without the english as an option if needed.
I just hope I can get the Japanese Audio in some fashion, did not like the english cast as much as the japanese cast.
Bet it is for NX and that NX is really just a Gamepad Pro NX or something for the Wii U.
Just Remaster 1 and 2 already Lucas Games or Disney or whatever and have it come out on the PS4. K thanks. That’s all I want.
We did it guys. They called us peasants for years but we finally did it! First it was AC Unity, then it was delayed PC ports, Grand Theft Auto V took 2 years to come out for PC (close to it), Arkham Knight was awful on PC at launch, and finally this! We finally did it. PS4 is the Master Race and PC is a peasant. Long…
The only response to this I have
I can get another controller to match my Arkham Knight one! Sweet! Good thing I cancelled my PS Aniversary edition one. I already have 5 ps4 controllers and wanted just another one like my Arkham Knight Controller. I have 1 for PS Vita TV, 2 for my launch PS4, and 2 for my Arkham Knight Ps4 but wanted another…
Polygon, the more extremists of the Kotaku and PS Clickbait propaganda video game makers. I never go there anymore.
Still waiting for the 20th aniversary edition of Pokemon game to be announced. Maybe a new yellow where you can start in Kanto and go to Johoto and maybe one other region, or all of them!
I got the two toys I wanted! BB-8 from Hasbro, and BB-8 from Sphero
Hey idiot a simple google search would tell you what I said. Also that’s how sony gets those exclusives from them, they pay for them to code there first. It’s common knowledge. They didn’t code for PC because they didn’t make it on PC.