
I think you are not getting it, why does the author mention Anita who IS NOT A DEVELOPER instead of harassed developers you brought up? Why bring up Anita when she has nothing to do with game development, other than she is a female? I think you don't quite get correlations and how the author is again promoting Anita

Mainly that Anita is a gaming critic and not a gaming developer so the corrlation the female dev and the journalist/blogger writing this story is trying to say all females in the industry will get harassed. Not true. Often Critics get harassed in any medium as the saying goes "Everybody hates a critic." Not saying

Point made, but that isn't what is being described in the article, they mention Anita who is not a Game Developer, but a Game Critic. (Everyone hates a critic) as the saying goes so unless she is actually a critic and not a developer I don't see how she can be like Anita in the slightest. Harassment of any kind is

Maybe next Kingdom Hearts we will get King Mickey fighting with Yoda.

She's worried—not about whether she'll find bigtime success, but rather what'll happen if she reaches that point. "I've seen what happens to women like Anita Sarkeesian," she said. "I don't know if I could handle that."

Totally saw the beginning of that comment leading to who else is going to be on the look out for news of a new Star Wars Bioware game, and I wonder now, if Bioware did do a Star Wars RPG if there would be hidden Mickeys now. :)

I honestly think this guy is over rated, none of those are really good, just nightmare fuel.

Passing Out is what you are looking for, away means you died. :)

Nah they will go the Dragon age way and just use a title or last name. Most likely they would refer to him as "Hero of Time" or Hero.

Vita is Current Gen....

Calm down, its just a female body part that men find very attractive. Back in the day a wrist of skin was sexy to men, too sexy too. Just enjoy the art. Luke and Kotaku are hypocrites, fake SJW warriors for clicks.

Wears mask for poisonous fumes, but still smokes cigar.


People can get fired for things they say on the internet or pictures on their Facebook for lesser things. Also when you are in the public service you have to watch out what you say and do as a teacher or police officer. The things he said can lead to people in his community not to trust him, which makes his role and

It's rare that video game creators get to take a second look at their work once it's released out into the world. In an instance like this, elements that may have bothered developers get re-evaluated and even removed and it sounds like Ninja Theory is saying that it's revision—not censorship— is what happened here.

It is to gaming media and SJW who can't handle adult topics like sex, religion, story plots, or race, but call for more representation.


Arkham always started out as a deep study of Batman and Joker's relationship so it shouldn't be a surprise.

I think it might be a Joker/Batman clone from Batman's DNA after that Joker injection.

Clayface could easily be the Joker body. Also, this was already confirmed in Arkham Unhinged that the body burns up.