because Henri attracts a disproportionately female audience compared to general YouTube viewership, the channel is more valuable
because Henri attracts a disproportionately female audience compared to general YouTube viewership, the channel is more valuable
Similarly, sociologist Susan Dewey studied strippers in the Rust Belt and found that they preferred topless dancing to service-sector work, which they saw as far more "exploitative, exclusionary, and without hope for social mobility or financial stability."
Didn't Madonna do a playboy spread in the 80s with lots of pit hair? That's what came to mind when I saw the top photo.
That cat was pure love in a fluffy coat. I'm biased 'cuz my mom's cat Clancy is a big, fluffy ginger cat, but I swear that type of cat is ridiculously loving. That woman was evil. That's the only explanation.
Why you hatin' on FRECKLES?
Sawyer was the only thing that kept me going.
"I know we all loved Dourtney, but he'll always be Tooms."
It's a valid question. When we talk about bathrooms in this sense, we're talking social spaces like bars and clubs. If we were no longer allowed to be vigilant about who was using which bathroom, there WOULD be a lot of problems.
It's not "imperialist" to care about the lives of people in other countries.
You just have a list of excuses not to help people. Yes, we do have a lot of work to do in the US. A lot.
But most of us have enough energy and compassion to care about women in Nepal and in the US. It IS appropriate to condemn practices that harm and marginalized any group.
I can be concerned about menstruating women…
I feel perfectly okay criticizing female genital mutilation, regardless of which culture happens to practice it.
"Well ur not bi if you cant eat pussy." Really? That doesn't seem true at all to me. Queer-womanhood is about more than just one specific sex act. I say that as a lesbian.
what the fuck is up with that?
I'm betting this poor cat is the target of systematic abuse. That baby barely got a scratch on its head and yet the dude boots it in the ass hard enough to cause it to go into full-on attack cat mode. >.<
Just wondering how badly this cat has been abused before this incident...
No way this is the first time the cat has been abused. People who think it's ok to "punish" animals will eventually "punish" people.
Yeah, that's what my spidey sense is telling me too. It's probably not the first time this cat has ever shown aggressive behavior, and it should not have been allowed around a tiny, vulnerable, squirmy baby to begin with. Parent/cat owner fail.
However, my point is for the cat to have a reaction of that magnitude, there is likely a history of this type of violent behaviour on the part of the owner. Meaning, it's unlikely, that this was a one time thing that can easily be justified as the protection of the baby. Visit a cat shelter and you'll quickly see a…
This isn't meant to be argumentative—just a question as I try to understand your you think a person with asperger's would interpret privilege in that way with all of the social challenges that come with it? You described him as possibly seeing himself as "the default human being" but do you think that…
Sorry, it wasn't hard for you because you still said absolutely nothing :(