Jeez, does she get some good looking fellows! Lenny Kravitz and Jason Momoa? I can't even.
Jeez, does she get some good looking fellows! Lenny Kravitz and Jason Momoa? I can't even.
Madonna could feed the homeless of the world with loaves and fishes and there would still be some on Jezebel complaining how fucked up she was for not providing a gluten free, vegan option....
That wasn't the plot of Philadelphia at all.
The fact that she didn't refer to Sam as a "feller" or "colored" or at any point, leads me to suspect that maybe this IS Deen speaking under the guidance of some PR training.
Jesus fucking Christ....*facepalms
Is this what the world has come to? Cheering Jan Brewer?
Marty's eldest's drawings and that doll gang-bang she set up do seem to hint at some sort of early abuse.
I'd love to see the justification for running that picture on top of an article seeking better female representation in a show.
(Pssst! Do not engage; guy's a douche. See commenting history.)
I read a crazy theory on io9 that someone picked up from reddit that argues that Maggie is more than she seems. It's probably bullshit or a red herring, though.
Why? She's put up with years of hurt and neglect from him. Banging Rust was the only means she had of getting rid of him properly - last time she found out he cheated he just harassed her till she caved in again. This time she made sure he wouldn't do that.
Have you seen the version of the credits with cats?
The Silver Fox stole my heart years ago.
"If posting someone else's body on Twitter without their permission isn't breaking the law, then we need a new law."
That's great and all, but as someone who is gay and lives in thanks. I don't really want to play sacrificial lamb just so Jan Brewer looks like a bigoted idiot (spoiler alert: everyone already knows that).
It would be nice if we could have these people experience the consequences of using fear of LGBT people as a dogwhistle without actually having LGBT people suffer for it.
Oh good. Let's quibble about phrasing and tell a sexual assault survivor she's wrong about her feelings. Rad.
I think we can safely cast a judgmental side-eye to the 'communes' of the past and their various iterations, which were also safe havens for child abuse, let alone sexual coercion between adults.
Well said.
It's Petals ON the Wind.