
Yes, it was made for this. People love television shows they can discuss and recap and debate - Y would be perfect for AMC or HBO.

That last story resonates. I have 2 friends who are into MLMs and "positive thinking" to such delusional levels that they are both bankrupt and depending on handouts from others. This has gone on for YEARS.

I think it's definitely a factor.

My father and I saw one - well, it was on the ground, so not "flying," but it definitely wasn't of this earth or time. I've told two of my friends, a UFO author/expert, filled out a MUFON report and that's it. There's no point to discussing it otherwise.

I normally hate watching animal attack footage but this kind of thrilled me.

That is a much better genesis than the one Syfy/Roger Corman came up with.

I hate the 'even split' thing because I don't drink alcohol or eat meat, and I tend to end up paying for everyone else's expensive drinks and appetizers. So many times I've been asked to fork over $40 or more when I had a $12 veg dish and water. It adds up.

I read that to live what has traditionally been considered the "middle class lifestyle" as defined in previous decades, one needs to earn 75K a year now in a mid-cost of living city. Which clearly is far more than many people who think of themselves as "middle class" earn.

Obama has mediocre writers on his staff. I've noticed this before. Even the laudable ideas get buried in bland syntax and wording. There is nothing remotely authentic or memorable about his answers here, and the same goes for much of his other content.

I understand your logic, but if the entire world is using a word a certain way, that generally becomes the accepted definition of the word. Language is ever evolving.

"Give him oral sex without making the "ugh" face."

I've thought the same things about DTWOF characters and Obama! I understand why she's done with it, but seriously, I could have happily followed those characters into old age. I would have LOVED all the pithy political commentary on today's world.

Definitely read her work. If Dykes To Watch Out For doesn't interest you (it's a long-running cartoon strip about a community of (mostly) gay women and is just wonderful), definitely look up Fun Home, her graphic novel about her relationship with her dead father.

I love Alison Bechdel to death, and keep hoping her next memoir will be of her romantic escapades (something juicy, please) but this was sort of odd to read. It was more like a monologue than an interview, and kind of disjointed. Was she answering questions, and the questions were left out?

It was almost like a "we hooked up once and it was a disaster and now we don't talk unless we have to" kind of vibe.

We all thought the same thing. What is going on with that hair?

Actually I've seen far more OPP (One Penis Policy) arrangements in the poly community than vice versa. I can't even count the number of poly guys I know who permit their wives and girlfriends to date only other women, no men, because the idea of her dating another man is ego-demolishing.

Yes, I'm still haunted by that case as well. I doubt we'll hear much about it. It seems the media only likes to cover cases where either someone is famous or they can stir up outrage about poor innocent boys being falsely accused, like with Duke.

I wish there was more attention to this case. I get that Jerry Sandusky got so much coverage because of who he was - but people professed outrage with the "cover up." Here we have a huge cover up where dozens of adults participated in and knew about the horrific violation of a minor, and even more adults blamed her