
This should be required reading for TV writers, especially 1, 6 and 10. Especially10 with women - I feel like many writers don't know how to write a strong female character, or they worry she won't be likeable, so they make her fiesty and sassy instead. It usually comes off as petulant and grating.

I knew I had little chance of seeing The Walking Dead, but between that and True Blood both being in Ballroom 20 Friday.... I don't even want to think about the line.

I'm a sucker for some talking animal movies (like the first Cats and Dogs) but I couldn't believe how painfully bad this preview looked. Mostly it was the offensive and worn-out romcom storylines, but even the animals parts seemed charmless.

Can you compare it to one of the earlier ones? #4 was so horrible I vowed to turn my back on the franchise forever.

Is this *the* io9 panel or just a panel with io9 people? I thought last year I went to a panel that was specifically about io9.

Yeah, I always try to make their panels because they actually say insightful, interesting things.

There's a protest march planned. Not sure how much attention it will get.

I've lived here almost 10 years and so far have only been in one dust storm where I had to pull off the road. It's cake compared to the blizzards I grew up with in NY and Boston.

good one.

I will definitely make either Grant Morrison or Love and Rockets or try for GOT. I kind of want to see Beavis and Butthead but I have a cynical feeling about it.

What a great opening paragraph. I would so read this if it became a novel.

I went out in this storm for about eight seconds to take my garbage out. My kitten ran out with me and both of our hair/fur was saturated with grit. Everything outside, even my mail in its mailbox, was filthy.

Couldn't agree more. I also think a social aspect has also sprung up around TV shows, whether it's discussing them online or with your coworkers. My friends and I used to have L Word night, now we have True Blood night; it's more bonding to get invested together in an ongoing story week after week than a one-time

How badly do I want to saddle that thing up and ride it.

I found the first few episodes funny - not to the point where I laughed hysterically, but enough to keep me entertained. Toward the end of the season, I began to suspect the writers' ideas were wearing thin. But parts of it did make me snicker.

So true. One thing I learned long ago from the Con was that being a brilliant artist, writer, director or actor does not mean you know how to give a good panel. Some of the most talented minds out there are dullsville in person.

I'll try not to get my hopes up, but this does sound too good.

I love Trader Joe's potato chips but I'm pretty good about putting them away after a reasonable point. I always found sugar much more addictive.

This episode made up for last week's faery silliness. One, I realized Luna is Papi from The L Word and got excited. And any Bill flashback is a good time... they're so ludicrous that I have to believe they're a wink to the audience.

She looks kind of like a brunette Legolas.