
This is the first summer blockbuster that's actually excited me in ages.

The suave Lord Summerisle I knew had too much sense and dignity to appear in a movie like this.

It was obvious when he said she fell down the stairs at bedtime, but then said he went looking for her when she didn't come back to bed. Anyone would hear someone falling down a wooden staircase, it's quite a racket. He wouldn't have had to wait and wonder where she was.

I think the jealousy and rivalry also provide good plot devices - if everyone gets along and shares nicely, the story tension goes out the window.

"Douche" really is so overused as a term, too much so to have any comic impact (I think the last time it made me laugh was when Supernatural did an episode titled "Criss Angel is a Douchebag"). And the "stink" comment was just gross. I like Aiden and Rebecca together. Sally - I'm working on the theory her boyfriend

I'm still assuming Danny killed Sally, based on his illogical story of her death.

Can't think of where I read this, but in some book on the French Revolution, they would hold up some of the heads to "see" the crowd celebrating their death. I thought it was a cool, but implausible idea.

I'll look for it.

I've never seen it, but that's encouraging.

Just once I want to see a show where a love triangle is resolved by having everyone go poly and expand the love. I was dying for this to happen with Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Juliet on LOST - so many issues resolved at once, so many good times for everyone.

I was thrilled to see them on here too. I'm on Volume 8 of the show and it is just spellbinding.

That's like something out of an Angela Carter story filmed by David Lynch.

She had an incredible life - rough in many ways at a young age. I cannot believe she was older than my parents. I always think of her when I play Astro Zombies by the Misfits.

This was sad. The tapir seemed desperate to rouse the first capybara, and when the second one snubbed him, he looked pretty dejected.

I actually did want to see a CGI dragon. I'm childish like that. I liked the Comic Con joke, old Sam coming back, Cas's tactlessness, and oh, just about everything. I'm not terribly engaged in this alpha storyline, but it's a welcome change from the angel/demon wars which I can only take in limited doses.

Not a 3D fan but I think the Shining (Kubrick version) could have employed it to good effect with the blood splashing out of the elevators, the dead twins getting closer and closer in the corridors and of course, the dead lady climbing out of the bathtub.

Agree. I'm re-watching the entire series right now (I never saw seasons 7-9, so started again at beginning) and I realized how much I miss this show. Even when it's convoluted or repetitive, it's more satisfying than the fluff on TV today.

I heard Bob Guccione (of Penthouse) hoped his unedited version of Caligula would encourage other serious but explicit movies. Obviously it didn't happen, and the MPAA's power has limited the expression of other filmmakers hoping for mainstream distribution. It's really too bad.

Parodies are usually just comical (exception being Kimberly Kane in Sex Files - she really pulled off Scully's impassive stare) but this actually looks worthwhile. Though incomplete without a Spock/Kirk scene.

Sorry, but Jensen Ackles will always have my heart. With Mischa Collins as backup.