
You can just buy a heat plate with a magnetic stir-bar. Just because it’s lab equipment doesn’t mean you can’t use it in the kitchen :)

That may be the best epitaph right there.

Harlan Ellison’s anecdote about his involvement in the original Star Trek movie, as quoted by Stephen King::

Needs more stars. Early Image stuff was so, so bad that even 15 year old me at the time turned to stuff like Hellblazer and Madman (best decision I ever made, Mike Allred is the tits) at that time because it all just.... sucked.

Meanwhile Skinny Puppy, Caberat Voltaire, Suicide, and Ministry have lost their class action lawsuit against NIИ. The accusation: theft of intellectual property. The verdict: the defendant is only guilty ofattempted” theft. The evidence: NIИ is not *sick* enough to compare to the plaintiffs, although NIИ listeners ar

This is a great list that hits on all my hiking pet peeves! One thing I’d add is “stay on the trail, even if it’s muddy.” Walking around the mud widens the trail and causes erosion.

You forgot about dogs.

This is further complicated by the fact that digital ownership laws are still pretty vague and/or nonexistent. I work for a real estate company, and I was able to proactively author a legal contract to be included in any home sales that featured smart home tech specifying that not only was the physical device changing

Stop thinking of us as a singular “community” that can be won over the same way?

Steak tartare isn’t made from ground beef. It’s the grinding process that makes rare ground beef dangerous, as a little e coli. can get into the mix and taint all the meat.

This needs all the stars. People ordering bloody burgers didn’t catch food poisoning, they ordered it.

It’s a burger. The bacteria can’t just be burned off the surface like it can on a steak, it has to be cooked out of the insides as well, since the middle is all surfaces.

How is this so hard to understand?

look up Gotti on IMDb, then look at the “People who liked this also liked...” section.

That header picture has to be pushing 10-13 years old now right? Diggnation?!

Damn you for re-kindling my teenage years!

Well good thing what they cut sounds fucking stupid, then. I am LGBT and it just confuses me why people demand more, if I want more representation, I’ll write it. I want LESS explicit romance used to pad out the fact that most movies are so fucking stupid you have to include a romance because otherwise why would any

C’mon. That is a legit awful line. It’s basically “I may be a lesbian but I would bone you, dude.” It only serves to fulfill male fantasy. I bet they also cut Chris Pratt saying “even a lesbian wants me!” as he high-fives the nearest Velociraptor.

She should agree, and say that’s why she chose you :)