
EXACTLY. Take down the victims’ pictures and post the mugshot of the ‘mother’ and ‘brothers’. JFC.


Now playing

Important to note: after Howard spends time studying the Tesseract, he discovers a new element. However he is limited by the technology of his time and moves on to other projects, with his ideas and research, as well as the Tesseract itself, eventually getting revisited under Project PEGASUS.

YES. Please give us animal lover Ben/Talos cuddling kitties forever.

As much as I loved Dylan Mckay seeing him play Koresh Jr. on Criminal Minds was really gratifying.
He was also a great guest star on Law and Order: SVU — season 10 episode 1 “Trials” with Sara Gilbert.

IKR? What’s with that headline?  Makes it sound like he died.

That actually dose look better

But... Jim brewer was actually funny

I was just about to post that. Sad how many people believe everything that they read on the internet.

“every second in the film took a week to complete.”

Apparently, he does a good number of stunts in the suit with his balletic background.

The AV club was a serious echo chamber of Dunham love for quite awhile. TVDW had an unhealthy obsession with her, probably because she was living out his dream. Then they went all control freak and tried banning or shouting down any dissenting opinions or snark from the ridiculously up their own ass discussion

I think Girls was loved by a lot of other similar people who saw themselves in her.

In our early drafts of Thor, Balder was one of the gang (Ken liked the idea of there being 7 warriors on the expedition) and there was a 15 page section in the first act that took place in Niflheim, featured Karnilla prominently and gave Balder stuff to do.

Physician here.

OG Firestorm. He fits in with JL far more than Cyborg, power level-wise and personality. I dug how he also had that Jack Kirby New Gods look going for him.

The impression I got was that Kylo knew because Rey knew who her parents, or at least had already been told. Vader does the same thing in Jedi, when he figures out that Luke has a sister. Vader didn’t know, but Luke’s “feelings betrayed him.” Kylo didn’t know, but Rey did, and her feelings betrayed her.  Keeping your

Yes, but, MDR1.

A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any interstellar Hitchhiker can carry.

There’s obviously a big thing happening tonight in the “real” news, but we really don’t feel like talking about it or thinking about it or acknowledging it in any real way.”