
The Thuggee cult really did exist. It’s where the word thug comes from.

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From the 1995 documentary, Colors of Infinity.

Someone needs to tell her the truth.

Depends on how bad it is. I also developed P.F. last year. After I did stretches every morning for almost 2 months, it went away.

In Casino Royale and Moonraker, Ian Fleming said Bond looked kind of like Hoagy Carmichael.

The problem is that over half of the Academy members are old white guys that haven’t done shit.

I did this yesterday. My Movies Anywhere account is also linked to my Amazon Instant Video account. My Sony Blu-ray player has an Amazon app.

Many countries offer postal banking.

Most imitaion crab and lobster is really kamaboko, Japanese fish cake.

Plus Nancy and Tina Sinatra.

Nope. The majority stockholder of CBS is Sumner Redstone. Because of poor health and advanced age, his daughter Shari acts on his behalf on all financial matters. For nearly a year, Moonves and Shari have been fighting for control of CBS.

Rear Window does have special effects. The reflection of the apartment building on the lenses of the binoculars and camera is a back-lit transparency.

Right now, Shari Redstone is cackling with glee.

Yup! In Japan, people cover their mouths when eating, laughing, yawning, coughing, sneezing, burping, etc because baring your teeth at someone is considered rude.