
The reason Thanos didn’t kill any dogs was John Wick. That’s canon. Because I said so. If he had touched the dogs, the Infinity War would have been ended by a man with a f****ing pencil.  So beware Agatha, because he’s coming for you, and the air smells of #2 graphite.

WAIT... I know now...  Crooked nose hair!

Two things bothered me about this movie (everything else in the trailer I like):

Not sure if I want her to have a mustache or a unibrow.

I see your point, I agree in principle, but I still liked her a lot as a recurrent character.  What can I tell you?  I like them big, brunette and with a short fuse.  Besides, she’d be a better option than jumping the shark with stuff like a baby Greedo, a baby Chewbacca or a baby Mace Windu whose coos sound

Damn it. I like the Cara Dune character. Disney has gotten away with recasts before and succeeded, like with Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk, so why not do it again? I’m sure there’s a perfectly suitable muscular brunette out there who can play the role.  I’d nominate Adrianne Palicki.

I’ve seen it. It was in Cartoon Network, in a difficult timeslot (or at least that was the case here in Costa Rica where even cable was behind the times). I liked it as a concept, but there’s only so much you can do where your gimmick is that you always are on the run. It felt kid-oriented, compared to Batman Beyond,

I have two misgivings about this:

One is, if this tech is wireless, doesn’t that mean you share the bandwidth with everyone else in your area, rather than having dedicated bandwidth for your household?

The other:  Data caps.  I’ve been the victim of mobile plans where the speed says “Good enough to watch Netflix on 4K”

What?! Does this mean we don’t get Waluigi Mike Haggar?

A STRETCH of a Jesus allegory. And a terrible one at that.

We have a saying in Costa Rica that when a food is exceptionally good, it is “good enough to raise the dead”, but I don’t know if anything similar is widespread enough in other countries.  Or if this darn soufflé is worth the honor.

But I want you to think real, real hard about a corn and maple soufflé with silver popcorn and how it is inspired by, representative of, or connected to in any way, shape, or form to the concept of “resurrection.”

Thank you!

Serious question:  I have not watched Blade Runner.  I want to.  I am willing to watch more than one version if they’re available.  What should I watch first, what should I watch second?  I keep hearing that a couple minutes of difference between versions totally change the movie.  I’m intrigued by that.

I don’t like that word. Sounds like a male pornstar name, or a lewd nobility title: “Lords and ladies, I give you Clifford the Hung, first of his name, deflowerer of maidens, holy relief of widowed queens, knight of the ever-standing steel rod and destroyer of arses”.

About the series? I giveth thou not one meager spec of “caca”. They burned that bridge, then they burned the ravine under the bridge, then the two counties on the opposing sides of the bridge.

About the books? Not today. And I won’t give one until the full saga is on shelves. Yes, you read this right. Even if the next

The missing backstory: Oil was found in Australia, the US screamed “Freedom” and kindly offered to manage the oil production via dumping the military, and random people from Florida. The NOPEs from the Australian jungle said “If this had just been the army, we could handle it, but NOT THE FLORIDIANS!!! The legendary

I have always had a soft spot for Marrow. Mutants that have the relative advantage of a human look can at least blend in, whereas she and others like her have a harder time.  They need good things coming their way.  Plus she takes no crap from nobody and I dig that.

Make no mistake. His performance was no masterpiece, but it did feel better than the others (or maybe, because he speaks exactly how I imagine Raistlin to speak, I am biased, that’s always a possibility).

Just to throw something random to the mix: When I read something that I feel is getting too ridiculous for its own

You are done with this atrocity in roughly 90 minutes, and you can watch it with your social bubble to share the pain and maybe ridicule it as you watch, and Raistlin’s voice acting kinda saves it from itself to a degree. The book felt (to me) like an eternity of “WTF was I thinking” to get to the end.   Admittedly,

Now playing

The writing does get better by the third book, but yeah, the first one was a lot better in my befuddled memory. For the same effect but in less time than it takes to read the book, take a look at this: