
And thus, held the beer was indeed.  I want to see where this all goes, if only for how utterly messy it promises to be.  Internet warfare over this will be a beast to behold, and my popcorn is about ready.

Is it weird that I read your entire comment, head to toe, in Peter Cullen’s voice?  Because thanks to you, now “ALL THE THINGS” in Peter Cullen’s voice is my new earworm.

Let’s see: One game my nephew could program in a day, one under-utilized color screen, and zero expansion options. $30 bucks. That’s the most I’d be willing to pay for this. An argument could be made for maybe around $45 but that’d be pushing it. Therefore when (if?)they announce some over-$100 price tag, I’ll just

I have no problem with any well-written sequel or reboot that respects and honors the source material, and offers something exciting and entertaining.

I can sympathize. I have a recurring nightmare where I am driving up a steep hill, then the car turns off and accelerates downhill backwards, and I can’t move my legs to press the brakes or move my arms, and to top it off, some dark green goo uncontrollably seeps out of my mouth. I am desperate to do something and

Ah, so one of the quadruplets buffs up, takes a few steroids, and plays the hulked-out version while the other remains on a normal exercise and diet regime, so people look at both of them on the screen and say “Man, She Hulk looks so awesome!  Those abs don’t look like CGI, how do they do it?”

I’ll be “that guy”. While I see the appeal, when you think game night for the family, do I want to spend $500 on this, or would a gaming console with party games be cheaper and bring more variety?

I say let’s wait, see where it goes.  Even for concepts I don’t agree with or sequels I find totally unnecessary, the fact of the matter is that it is already there, and ultimately, it is the story it will tell that will make it or break it.  The way I see it, we still have the original Watchmen, and it is its own

My favorite is Alone Together from the first season.

Let’s face it. They are fully ignoring this. Sounds to me like it will be an HBO-MAX show to divorce it from the Arrowverse.

Step 1: Wait two years.
Step 2: Squeeze together all those nicely spaced chips and components.

I have a GTX 770 from back in 2013.  Agreed, that means no VR and no ray tracing, but so far it plays everything I throw at it decently.  I am waiting for motherboards to support PCI Express 4 out of the gate without a Bios swap to build a new rig, so this delay kinda suits me. My 770 still has life in it.

A friend of mine got exactly that outcome. The virus left him with breathing difficulty and constant lack of energy. It’s hell for him, and I have reasons to believe he’s feeling suicidal. Trump getting that outcome would feel like karmic retribution to many (myself included), but because of what I’ve seen, I feel bad

Ok. For clarity I’ll say this first: I despise the guy, and if he was lax with his own social distancing and prevention, he basically got himself into the mess.

In regards to Batwoman: I already suspected they’d have her don the red wig, but I’ll say it again:  Hiding Javicia’s beautiful afro is nothing short of a crime in my opinion.

Yes there is, and I always suspected him of being the missing uncle, but who knows.  Cold Hands may simply be Cold Hands and that’s that.

I have only seen the movies, so I am not aware of how the books treat the subject. But, at least movie-wise, “Lord of the Rings” is a different story narrated on the same book as “There and back again” with him as the author, and we viewers are left with no more than a Jon-Snow-worthy level of knowing nothing about

If I recall correctly, Jon remains very very VERY dead in the books, and now this makes me wonder:  Maybe he’s not meant to resurrect in the books at all?  I mean, if the original story had a place for both Zombie-Mom and Zombie-knows-nothing, why would that represent a conflict in the plans for the series unless Jon

Well,  Comic-book Wanda can alter reality, and this smells of exactly that.  It is not far-fetched to think she’s created a pocket dimension where she’s happy.

I like her, and I think she’s a good choice. Having said that, I had secret hopes for Rosario Dawson to be cast. Something about her feels so right for She-Hulk to me... Anyway, hopes up, and looking forward to Ms. Maslany’s performance!

Also, I wonder how will they handle transformation with her. Does she turn bigger