
And how did Virg respond to this? Any attempts at an apology?

No. Way. Am trying immediately!

Agreed, this is exactly how I feel. And despite our concerns and complaints, I haven't heard Jezebel really respond to the issues, except to say 'it's good. Deal with it'. Have I missed something?

Oh no, I'm Canadian and I didn't know I was using the wrong beer!

Oooh! I get to tell my canoe sex joke. P.S. I only know like 2 jokes...

Seriously, I'm tired of Gawker and now Jezebel telling me that I'm just afraid of change. I've seen your change, I've evaluated it's many shortcoming, and I don't like it. Tell me how this is not just advantageous to the sites by generating more clicks, page views, ad revenus. Pretty shitty way to alienate your

Thank you! Exactly this.

But those posts still aren't open for commenting... can we change that please?

I'm disappointed, as I still really don't like this commenting system after using it for a couple of weeks on Gawker. The clicking is annoying, I wish there was an option to see all. I like to decide for myself what is relevant, funny, etc.