Hmmm. That headline..... I mean it's not incorrect, in the sense that those two things happened in that order..... But it's a little misleading.
Hmmm. That headline..... I mean it's not incorrect, in the sense that those two things happened in that order..... But it's a little misleading.
I would suspect her boss would have more issues with #s 3, 6, 8, possibly 9 and definitely 10. I can't imagine they could care less about #1 given the rest of the list.
Leaving aside my personal opinion about the death penalty, we need to have a trial to administer it. Here are some things that would almost certainly happen at a trial:
Yeah, I cannot fathom trying for a baby because you want one sex over another. Like... why would you chase that dragon? You could keep trying forever (and a lot of people do). If you wouldn't have another baby if you had the genders you wanted already, you shouldn't have another baby, IMHO. That's too much expectation…
Because they take the "best and most trainable" of those dolphins to parks like these. And the ones that aren't so valuable? They are murdered.
I like unusual but not soap opera-y names, and that is where I differ from the people who think i'm despicable for wanting to use that name. Otis is a great name, btw. I might put it on my boys name list, actually.
I happen to agree with you, but for entirely selfish reasons of my own :p
I hear what you're saying, but it's irritating because it's stupid to blame the sequestered jury system for the outcome. Another troll on this thread thinks it is an 'issue' because they got 22 days worth of 'pampering' when they only took 16 hours for the verdict. So would these expenditures have been okay if the…
I'm upset with the verdit too, but thats the fault of Florida State Law, not these women. Don't shame them for wanting a pedicure. Isn't this site supposed to be about stopping women-on-women shaming?
I love how the 'Note' at the end quietly mentions these women had to pay for all services and experiences themselves. So basically the beef is they were allowed outside of their rooms? Being on a sequestered jury should not mean you are held in solitary detention. The fact any excursion required a chaperon is a…
I'm going to be charitable and give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that these are the jurors that wanted to convict Zimmerman, but given the crap job the prosecutor did and the higher burden of proof created by "stand your ground" laws in Florida, they felt they had no legal option but to find him not…
Dude, it's DIFFERENT. Everyone knows 66-year-old men are distinguished and 66-year-old women are sad, wrinkled harridans.
just listen to his Fresh Air interview and you will want to have sex with him anywhere.
That's her! She was great on both shows; I'm excited to see her again.
The combination of no PM dirtbags and a million Doug Barry articles in a row had me really worried!