
Link to where I should send my $$$ please!

Jaimie Dornan playing a twisted killer on The Fall left me scarred too.

As a woman, I spend a large quantity of time grumpy about the Oxford comma.

All teams named Redskins should just be re-named Potatoes. Like the Washington Potatoes.

Hmmm no? I wasn't saying anything about the ad content just the purpose. Also that is not really comparable.

I agree that it's definitely questionable when people do things where the goal is simply to raise awareness that the disease exists. Yeah, we all know that breast cancer is a thing. I get annoyed about that too.

and also a general culture of aggression and violence associated with the sport.

actually after making my comment I actually read the text in the article, and it says she had a whole separate dress for the reception...

My immediate reaction to this existing is that no one should ever attempt another lip sync battle after the Emma Stone Lip Sync Occasion.

Did Lauren Conrad hate the lacey part of her dress so she covered it up for pics and then eventually ripped it off?

Gillian Anderson is on Hannibal? That makes me think I should try watching it. Worth it?

I hate it when I click on something because I think it might be the dirt bag, but then it just turns out to be a whole article about a Kardashian.

there are many important issues in this article, with this one being at the bottom of the list, but I need to know.....

Will is the boring-est, but I inexplicably love Kate. I don't know why I feel this way, but I am so into her and her baby.

This is fake, right? I mean, I laughed at a few of those, but only because it's gotta be fake. Otherwise it is psychotic, immoral, and dangerous.

Every single person ever prefers ANYONE over Duncan. If you prefer Duncan over Logan, that's when you know something is wrong with you.

How could this happen? those dimples are unmistakeable.

Oh, he is also totally blind from an illness at age 26. Sad, but he seems totally awesome.

Is the Scott Weiland thing a joke? There is a Scott Weiland impersonator sitting in jail right now?