
Not sure. But it’s certain that the corporate elites will provide you with plenty of sand--so you can continue to keep your head thoroughly buried.

This is a joke, but it is the end goal of “autonomous” vehicles. You will hop in your driverless pod; punch in your destination, and be informed by the computer that travel to that city has been restricted until next week due to traffic volume or population density, or current CO2 levels. Daily use tolls and carbon

I’m glad I live in Ohio.

Somebody gets it.

“Here’s another take: This shit isn’t foolproof, yet”

I guess with this whole obesity problem we keep talking about here in America, the Mustang is the car we need. You are either running to it, or away from it, but at least you are always running.

With all the crap we get from the left leaning media, is it any wonder you start to see this kind of BS from other sources?

And of course, you know the first thing that will happen, which is that edge and corner cases will get cut from the design because “But we have to SHIP THE PRODUCT!!!11!1!one!” from The Management(tm).

Thank you for calling out Governor Inslee. He really is a bumblilng fumbling buffoon.

A sizable majority of Seattle hates cars. It’s as simple as that. The idea of blocking anyone from driving and allowing exclusively autonomous vehicles to roam their roads has to have a lot of them nearly drooling with excitement. Jay Inslee isn’t doing this because he cares one way or another, he’s doing it to

Think about your own car and ask yourself how many times your car failed to connect or communicate with your cellphone. Now think about how many thousands of times more complex the task of driving is than the simple act of connecting to a phone. It might be flawless someday but that someday is way, waaaaaaaaaay in the

I’ve spent all day in my office watching one piece of expensive, new, highly promoted software fail miserably, followed by another piece of software crashing and failing miserably, followed by a third piece of software... you get where I’m going with this, right?

A friend of mine has a T-shirt with a saying on it that I tend to agree with:

No, I just didn’t vote for her. The current liberal culture seems to be an order of magnitude crazier than the anti-democrat culture before Trump was elected.

You should really look up the definition of the word “unbiased”.

There are so many people gunning for Trump to fall that if there was anything real it would have surfaced already. It seems that all anyone opposed to Trump is doing is trying to find anything they possibly can to remove him from office. Just nothing to be found at this point. Not saying he hasn’t done some

This whole thing is like jacking off into a fan for Democrats: It may be temporarily super satisfying, but it’s turning into a real fucking mess.

I was a Mazda tech from ‘07-’10, absolutely love the RX-8, but they were in the shop ALL. THE. TIME. I’m still gonna get one. I got the Speed6 I wanted, now daddy wants and RX-8.

America is the most emotional shopping market that exists in the world. We all lined up to give an interest free loan to a company to research and build a car for us. Then we follow up by going on the stock market and treating the same company’s stock like they just discovered a cure for post-masturbation guilt.

Everyone didn’t survive prior to 2010.