Great story - I actually used to use a '73 Fulvia Coupe as my daily driver and it was very reliable. It had part-restored to a not great standard and in the 4-5 years I owned it (1998-2003, it never actually suffered any mechanical failiure (although the gas tank did rust through and need replacing, making for a fun…
Is this confirmed as a non-factory roof-chop? Baur did make full-convertible models without the rollbar and only 1682 of them were made according to If it is a top-chop it is CP all the way. If it is Baur, then it's an NP.
2 things immediately came to mind about all yesterday's Lotii.
Uh, you know Olga Georges-Picot is dead, right?
These are actually nice little cars, easily comparable to the contemporary Fiesta and probably better build - and the Audi version is very rare, but it's not worth anything LIKE $9500. Try $3500-$4,000-ish.
@B-Sel: They probably should've called it the MercBorghinivectorMW M1-C111ish...
The Isdera Imperator.
Via a stint in Mexican movies, Amadee graduated from selling paint services to selling real estate:
Fascinating stuff! Some observations...
Happy choice!
@stephdumas: At about the 1:26 mark, the Plymouth Coupe turns into a whole other car with four doors - I think a Chrysler Saratoga. (It changes back and forth a few times afterwards too.)
And I don't care about the Discovery Channel - coincidence!
What a heartwarming story - it's a Christmas miracle!
Never seen this before, but it's probably French, not British - it has a French license plate.
Never heard of this one, but it's likely actually French in origin, as it has a French license plate (issued in central Paris, I think, since it ends in -75).
@Maymar: To be fair to the Pantera, Horton was seriously drunk, not wearing a seatbelt and hit a concrete block at 100mph which flipped the car over.