
I like my Miura. And stuff opens too.

Great story - I actually used to use a '73 Fulvia Coupe as my daily driver and it was very reliable. It had part-restored to a not great standard and in the 4-5 years I owned it (1998-2003, it never actually suffered any mechanical failiure (although the gas tank did rust through and need replacing, making for a fun

Is this confirmed as a non-factory roof-chop? Baur did make full-convertible models without the rollbar and only 1682 of them were made according to If it is a top-chop it is CP all the way. If it is Baur, then it's an NP.

2 things immediately came to mind about all yesterday's Lotii.

Mine is smaller and red.

Uh, you know Olga Georges-Picot is dead, right?

The miniskirted Audi woman made sure to pose with all angles of the F103

These are actually nice little cars, easily comparable to the contemporary Fiesta and probably better build - and the Audi version is very rare, but it's not worth anything LIKE $9500. Try $3500-$4,000-ish.

@B-Sel: They probably should've called it the MercBorghinivectorMW M1-C111ish...

The Isdera Imperator.

Via a stint in Mexican movies, Amadee graduated from selling paint services to selling real estate:

It has to be the Bond Bug!

Fascinating stuff! Some observations...

Happy choice!

@stephdumas: At about the 1:26 mark, the Plymouth Coupe turns into a whole other car with four doors - I think a Chrysler Saratoga. (It changes back and forth a few times afterwards too.)

And I don't care about the Discovery Channel - coincidence!

What a heartwarming story - it's a Christmas miracle!

Never seen this before, but it's probably French, not British - it has a French license plate.

Never heard of this one, but it's likely actually French in origin, as it has a French license plate (issued in central Paris, I think, since it ends in -75).

Now playing

@Maymar: To be fair to the Pantera, Horton was seriously drunk, not wearing a seatbelt and hit a concrete block at 100mph which flipped the car over.