
Sometimes I think that Donald Trump’s people are like Mona Lisa and Jean Ralphio from Parks and Recs. They say things Trump wants to hear in exchange for money.

Sadly, he seems to give a lot of f***s.

That works just fine and made me laugh, fwiw.

He gave a really sweet interview with Bust, where he basically agreed to talk to a writer after she just showed up on set of his show. He talked, among other things, about getting Judo lessons for his daughter so she can kick patriarchal ass.

Ohhhhh, Tony and his meat....

Ugh I fucking adore Tony Bourdain


God dammit mom, could you just be cool for once?

Cassette tapes are the new vinyl. Again.

I don’t think people get this joke. Needs more stars.

As part of her conversion, she will now only be referred to as Jenna Manichewitz.

i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy

Autoplay needs to die in a fire

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. All the pygmy sloth hugs in the world for you.

So to dig into the theology a little, that line in the Bible also says the husband’s body belongs to his wife. There’s nothing in that verse that suggests women don’t have equal say when it comes to what they do with their bodies together.

It’s like ending an argument in a room with a sliding door.

I don’t appreciate how unsatisfying it is to angrily hang up on someone on an iPhone. I miss flip phones sometimes.

I have a good friend who still, to this day, refuses to give up her flip phone because she can T9 text on that thing without looking at the keyboard. She will have full text conversations while in a work meeting, without ever breaking eye contact with her boss. Now THAT’S boss.

Sunday morning fuzz brain: Kaley hashtagged the puppy IG #savethemall. I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out why the mall needs saving.

I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.