Here let me put my rage into words...
Here let me put my rage into words...
“The front end looks nice...”
I dunno, the store I buy all my Pathfinder and Magic stuff is the same place I go every week to play them, so a Gamestop that’s also a perpetual LAN party might work.
If you think you can do a better job after waking up at 2am, driving for ten hours, attending classes, then coming home and settling down with a drink on your day off to watch a race only to find out that you’re going to be up late reporting on a horrific accident, I encourage you to take my place and try your hand.
It’s really the most gimmicky goddamn thing in the world and KinjaDeals should feel really bad promoting it.
It’s really the most gimmicky goddamn thing in the world and KinjaDeals should feel really bad promoting it.
Haha Just dragging around a giant stack of 12s
Haha Just dragging around a giant stack of 12s
Additionally, who the hell needs a portable record player?! In what context are you like, bringing this to places to play music...
Additionally, who the hell needs a portable record player?! In what context are you like, bringing this to places to…
Hey vinyl snob over here. Just wanted to chime in and mention that this, and all spring-loaded tonearms, are tonally inferior to weighted tonearms (could also damage vinyl over time). These one-piece players also vibrate from the built-in speakers that will cause your audio quality to suffer.
Hey vinyl snob over here. Just wanted to chime in and mention that this, and all spring-loaded tonearms, are tonally…
No you don’t.
Geez, now I feel bad.
Claire Daines also is confusing to follow in the dark and being able to tell if she’s going to stop or turn or what.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I don’t see the sharing portion of this dream being a reality. Give me a private living room/bedroom (bathroom?) on wheels and I’m in. I’m not down with a shared unit. Y’all are nasty. Maybe I am too.
May I add that not just capitalism per say, since education prices are driven up by capitalism, but the trillions of dollars in student loan debt that have caused people to not afford to purchase a house or new automobile, or if they can would be severely hampered and unable to save.
Also, while we all love the car industry, many of these industries are not actually worth having around, and unlike boomers, millennials don't want what they're selling.
There are a lot of Boomers retiring early because they either can’t find jobs, or the jobs available pay way less than what they were making at the peak of their careers.
A further problem is that as those boomers are retiring/dying, their positions aren’t being filled. Either their pay rates are receiving substantial downgrades, or the positions are being eliminated entirely, so millenials (now in their 30s, for the most part) have no real income ladder to climb. It sucks. A lot.
We can’t do that, that would be communism!
The show yes... but we lost a day on our hotel and did not get any type of compensation or refund. But I did get a cool $25 off my next flight!
Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?