
I’ve done that twice, with Mass Effect 3 and with Dragon Age: Inquisition. I loved them so much I didn’t want them to end. Came back much later to finish both.

So your opinion is that the writer is wrong to have opinions about Fury’s opinions? Sounds like your brain is a smooth, frictionless surface. I congratulate you and your entire bloodline. 

Let’s spend less time highlighting the involvement of this child and more time on the piece of shit, damaged and deranged adults who are producing this. 

fine, okay 


He’s young millenial/zoomer Howard Stern, I’ve been saying it for years. 

I was going to write swears at you and call you other non swear names, because I love Destiny and I think a lot of the criticism is unwarranted.

My god this looks awful.

Hey just a few notes from me your editor next time lead with the dog, crop the image to the dog only, and then make the balance of the article about the sweet angel dog, thanks 

This all seems like normal society functioning in a healthy way. Congrats to us all. 

Lol man I hate to tell you but these Trump blogs are quite something more than a collection of shitposts by a mentally ill twitter user, as much as you’d like to write them off as such.

Spoon of peanut butter, put some chocolate syrup on top. Do this three times, and you’ve eaten dessert. You don’t need any more sweets, you’re satisfied. 

I see that you’re replying to every critical comment about your favorite band and I think that’s endearing. Run for the hills, indeed.

They’re bad, come on. All their songs are trash, the singer is awful. It’s okay if you still like them, we all have our guilty pleasures.

Iron Maiden fucking sucks, none of their songs are remotely classics. 

We’re *obviously* talking about conventionally attractive humanoid aliens. I’m not going to fuck a goddamn sentient cloud of vapor or a fucking rock monster.

Someone should tell these dudes that sex is bad and they’re wasting their time.

If I don’t get to play as GDT for minimum 20% of this game I’ll consider it a failure 

WAIT did they animate a speech given by a person who runs this group of players? Too much gaming going on here. 

this is objectively Too Much Videogame.