
idk man i really believe in the ultra high heat cast iron method, ~3 mins per side, followed by a broiler on high for ~4 more.

Cocaine is never not fun

I get this perspective and am glad people are enjoying the immersion. I’d prefer not to have SO MANY things to remember to do. 

That’s a thing that Max Read used to do. It’s grumpy elitist edgelord dweeb shit. These kids are all very bright, good writers but they seem like they suuuuuuuck as people. 

I like video games, but maybe we should take the money invested in the industry and instead invest in mental health support for the kind of people who react this way to this kind of news. I mean, jesus, it is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. 

maybe also log off for a bit, just generally. 


Gamers remain the worst group of people on the planet. 

Gamers remain the most entitled, whiny consumer base in the world.

Wow, incredible 

Is there a more pathetic group of cowards than whoever makes those decisions at the NYT?

I wont reveal my gamertag’s bad. 

I can’t make Trust work. I’m so used to the pace and kick of Midnight Coup, etc. I feel like I almost need the gun to visually kick out of the center so that I can see where the next shot has to go. Trust does this minor kick “towards” me, I have trouble lining up subsequent shots. I’m sure it’s a practice thing. 

I imagine you writing this while LARPing as Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Man everyone is so horny. 

And I do mean literally “damned by god”.

You, I, Mark Whalberg, and every goddamned person reading this is fully and completely aware of the glaring omission in the 90 minute shower description. I’m glad you didn’t include it, but we all know.

God they really turned this around in excess of any expectations.

Where did I indicate that? Any chance you can point to that specifically?

I like Dwight Howard. Stick me in the greys, you coward.