
Terrible opinion.

Haha fuck you and fuck Brady.

“Things Rich Doesn’t Like” needs the “One Man’s Take” treatment. Give it a title and some art and make them one-word posts.

There is no worse constituency than gamers.

and we all know how it ended.

Just FYI - Kanye is fucking roasting deadmau5 right now on twitter. Its pretty funny.

All blogs are a scourge.

Nothing - the bullshitting Division isn’t motherfucking out the hell yet.

This guy gets it

There is no such thing as longform writing. There is such a thing as features writing—profiles, investigations, essays—and if it’s prestigious, that’s mainly because of its association with careful selection of subjects and with vigorous research, reporting, editing, copy-editing, and fact-checking. A feature carries

Wow this is really a stupid post. Is there some joke here I’m not getting?

Stick to sports.

I hear they’re also adding an “Economy” mode where you have to go to a virtual job and “work” eight real-time hours.

Woah dude - weirdly hostile.

no no, i said “run away from

What’s a good job to get if you want to run away from midtown manhattan and not really work that much but still live. “Live” means buy videogames, go out to bars and have a decent apartment. Keep in mind - I’m not talented.

This weekend is an open beta? I went ahead and preordered the other day, because I’m pathetic and out of control. Does that entitle me to play this weekend?

This game is driving me nuts. I’ve already backed off my tremendous expectations from the E3 demo, and I’m going to cave and buy the goddamned $100 season pass I’m sure, but I need more analysis. For the love of god Stephen, tell me what to think or I’m just going to lose it.

The absolute saddest troll move is to “end” an internet argument with mention of something more pressing out in the real world. Come on dude.
