Barry Land

Between the changes they’ve made to the fries, buns (I have no idea what they did to them to make them just not taste right a long time ago), they lost me, forever. I don’t care about sauce, I just care about non-sauced burgers and fries, and once in a while, a vanilla shake.

It’s puzzling to me that ZF can make a truly great 8 speed, but the 9 speed is crap. 

Sunday mornings here are the opposite, the grocery stores and places like Sam’s Club and Costco are just slammed on Sun morning. I get off work at 8am Sun for the week, and that’s a convenient time to hit the stores on the way home. First I hit Meijer’s or Kroger, and that stresses me out, crowded as hell and idiots

My dad would take corned beef, which was fine (but not a favorite of mine), and put it on the crappiest white bread (The super cheap store brand, he asked for it specifically) and put not one, not two, but three different kinds of mustard on it (Yellow Plochman’s, Grey Poupon, and some almost black stuff that even

Yeah, I have a ton of Morricone’s stuff on my car’s USB stick in the “Movies and Classical” folder. I have a lot of movie music in there. 

I replaced my ‘10 R/T with an ‘18 Scat Pack, and if it was wrecked, I would buy another SP to replace it. I love the thing, dumb as it is. 

Now playing

Why an instrumental (Not counting the wierd chorus stuff) needed to be sanitized, like “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” theme was what made us wonder what was up with the format. I remember the first time I had a DVD of TG,TB, & TU and a friend and I were watching it and he was shocked that the Hugo Montenegro

I worked at our family’s Army/Navy store back about 50 years ago. My dad was the owner, along with his 2 brothers. The Manager, “Ed” was a real prize, I don’t understand how he was even hired, let alone kept on until he was 70+, but he was. One of the things that annoyed the shit out of us was his insistence on

A friend of mine told me a couple of years ago that he had never eaten, even tried, a single shrimp until he started dating his wife about 25 years ago. That would make him 40 the first time he had shrimp. I was astounded, to put it mildly, in Toledo, just about everyplace that isn’t a fast food place has fried shrimp

I lived in Las Vegas from ‘75 to ‘82, and the first Thanksgiving I was working at a gas station at night, and it was just miserable. We pumped the gas there, and by about 2am (12am start of shift), I was muttering about every damn car that came in because I would barely stop shaking from the last one I had to fill up.

Back in 2000, I started working at my present job, and I worked alone most nights, and my main complaint was the damn music they had playing. At first, it was loud enough that people I was talking to on the phone could hear it, and after I complained for several weeks about it, they dropped the volume down to the

My main beef with the self scans is the blast level beep almost all of them have when you scan something. If an old deaf guy like me flinches at every beep, it’s no wonder I see lots of babies and little kids start crying as soon as mom scans her first item. I muttered, “Turn that shit down!” to the attendant at

I only have had experience in Chicago and agree, not good. Las Vegas was awful when I lived there from ‘75 to ‘82, but I don’t know if it’s gotten worse or better, my friends there disagree about that.

A family friend of ours had her oldest daughter doing everything. Piano lessons, she was OK, tap dancing (Just amazingly bad at it, so bad her grandfather told her “You really stink!”), soccer, gymnastics (worse than tap dancing), chess club, debate club, some sort of tutoring thing (she was the tutor). At the end of

I don’t care about F1 at all, but if they had put Funny Cars and Top Fuel on the strip, as they talked about years ago, I would be there at all cost.

I’ve had both, and the extended cab, with either 3 or 4 doors, wins hands down. My main complaint, comfort wise with my just awful ‘77 Dodge Power Wagon, was I needed about an inch of seat travel backwards to be “perfect”. It still had the greatest seat ever, IMHO, but even after I swapped out the buslike stock

There used to be a Challenger with the greatest paint I’ve ever seen around here. It was a Candy Apple that’s pretty close to the Mazda color, with a ton of metalflake in it. It was , IMHO, the best paint I’ve ever seen, and I’m an old guy. The first time I saw it was on a really great sunshiny Sat morning and when I

As soon as I started reading the article, I thought, “Budget”. They totally ruined a trip I was on 43 years ago, and they just keep on making my putting them at the top of the “scumbag rental companies” list the correct thing to do. Them screwing me up back in 1980 has cost them a fair chunk of business over the

One of my favorite trick or treat things to get is the little bags of Fritos this old lady in our neighborhood gave out for several years. Her family owned a candy and snack distributing company and she always said, “Everyone gives out the same candy every year”. I would trade my friends the stuff I hated, like the

I had Geico in 1981 on my awful ‘77 Dodge Power Wagon. I was 25, and had my only accident to that point in ‘73, and had one speeding ticket for 10 over (35 in a 25 zone 2 years before, I could barely see “25" painted on the street). I bought a ‘79 Trans Am, and Geico cancelled me. It was a huge hassle to get coverage