Barry Land

We had a girl who lived down the street from us when I was in jr/high school who was not right, she would do almost anything for fast food and/or cigarettes. Her mom walked into the house one morning to get something she had forgotten to take to work with her, and saw her having sex with some 16 year old kid (She was

He doesn’t annoy me, I didn’t know this was a thing.

My mother was infamous for getting herself lost and just really being unaware of where she was when driving or just riding. She would also fixate on something happening ahead that had nothing to do with the car she was in at all, but she would slam the brakes on for no reason, and if she was riding, she would grab at

There are a lot of C8s in the NW Ohio area, and I still haven’t gotten to the point of not muttering, “Is that thing the best GM could do?”. Like the Camaro, it seems purposely made ugly.

I was at the local Pontiac/GMC dealership getting my car worked on. I was talking to the service manager, trying to solve the fuel line issues I had on my car. About 50 feet away, a brand new Sierra 1500 was being lifted for some sort of “adjustment”, and BLAM, it came off and the owner, the service manager, and

A family friend didn’t know how to do so many things it was shocking. He lived at home, went into WWII, came home, got married, and his wife wrote the checks, cooked, washed, etc. He just made the money. They were married almost 57 years when she suddenly died. He was totally lost for a long time afterwards and would

A friend of mine and his wife were in the L.A. area on a trip a few years ago, and they stopped to get some cash. The drive through ATM was down, but the walk up one wasn’t. They both went up to it and as soon as they put their card in, some meth’d up walking corpse with a gun popped out of the shrubs and demanded the

At work we have a client who constantly asks us, over and over again, “Is this really from you/is this legit?”. Some of the emails are from people who barely can type out anything understandable in English, and others are some variation on the “I am an attorney representing the estate of (almost always a very UK

My step-grandfather was a chef from Switzerland who worked all over the world at some famous places, but his mother locking up all the food every night messed him all up. He hid food all over the place, and would forget about it, and my grandmother found some of it by smell alone. She finally got him to stop hoarding

I bought a 2 year old ‘79 Trans Am in 1981 from the local Pontiac dealer, who sold it originally. I foolishly bought one of the warranty plans for it, a 2 year one. That was on a Thursday. On Friday afternoon, the car had a short and it blew the fusible link. The dealer towed it in and fixed it, no charge. On Tuesday,

I’m old and remember when Poptarts came out. I can’t remember anything as disappointing as they were/are, except when we got a sample box of Lucky Charms. One of the lamest cereals ever. I have friends with grandkids and PT’s are almost a required thing to have, and they are still just awful. Hot or room temp, they

I don’t know what it’s supposedly supposed to taste like. I was floored when I found out about 15 years ago that Circus Peanuts were banana flavored. WTF? I never, ever, thought of bananas when I ate them. I went out and bought a bag of them to see if I was missing something. Nope, not the slightest hint of banana

A friend of mine loves the buttered popcorn jelly beans. I think he’s insane.

Wait food actuallynot looking anywhere near as good as it does in ads?

I go a local store with two Coke Freestyle machines in the front probably 2 to 3 times a week. I don’t recall ever seeing both of them working at one time. My main complaints about getting rid of the self service drinks is getting the right amount of ice in the cup (Always too much when they do it) and not being able

Hertz is the Wells Fargo of rental. They keep doing really shitty things, get busted for doing them, and then do some more shitty things.

I’m a night owl and I’ve spent a fair amount of time at Waffle House, Denny’s, etc, and have seen some very entertaining fights over the years. My dog had to go to the emergency vet one night after he was neutered, he didn’t handle pain well at all, and needed a pain shot. I stopped at WH on the way home for breakfast

I think you got it right with Exorcist II being number one. I had the best time at the movies ever when I saw it opening day. There was a fair number of people there, maybe it was half full. It was obvious, even after just a few minutes of it, that it was a collossal turd. People began making comments like it was a

Another dud engine was the non-turboed Mitsubishi diesel they put into Dodge trucks back about 1978. A friend of mine bought one of them, I have no idea what he was thinking or drinking, but with a whopping 105 HP/163 torque, it was beyond slow. I had driven a Slant Six D150 once and I thought it was “peak slow”. I

This bridge, 120 or so years young, has been “On the list” for replacement for at least 20 years. It’s been behaving itself lately, but it was getting stuck open or almost closed many times in the past. This is the main line between NYC and Chicago, and a lot of trains go over it daily. Sometimes I wonder if NS has