Barry Land

2 or 3? Wow, you’re in paradise! Most of the stores around here have ONE manned station, except during the seemingly nonsensical “rush hour” times that have no real basis in reality. The Kroger by me has 2 checkers until 7pm, but then it goes to one, or sometimes none, all there is, is self checkouts. And the place is

I pretty much hate self checkouts, but when they have a half dozen carts full of stuff lined up behind the one single open check out line (Kroger, most stores around here), you have to use the self checkout, unless you need to kill 20 minutes waiting. One thing really annoys me is a lot of stores have the damn beep

My ‘18 Scat Pack just turned 5 years old and was paid off in May. It has had zero issues other than some weird clock jumping back and forth when daylight savings time comes and goes. It goes 2 hours the wrong way. Amusing. But the car doesn’t rattle, nothing is falling apart, and I love the thing like no other car

They make it right out in the open at every Kroger I’ve ever been to. A couple of friends of mine swear it’s better than most of the local restaurant Sushi. I’m not a fan of it at all, BTW, no matter where it comes from. 

If they would go into their recipie vault, and bring back the old Geno’s egg rolls, they would make an old man very happy.

I guess nobody remembers before they were Totino’s, they were Geno’s, and they had egg rolls too. They were the best of the “small” egg rolls by far, IMHO, and I was really sad to see them go away, when the awful LaChoy and Chun King ones stayed around forever.

I never had an Uncrustable until about 2 months ago. Wow, it was more disappointing than I ever expected, and I thought it would be a huge disappointment. I will admit, I’m not the biggest fan of PB&J sandwiches anyway, I like mine J free. I’m pretty positive that a lot of my weigh issues stem from my very picky

My first HP inkjet was OK, but it died during a thunderstorm, and the one that replaced it was garbage. Smeary print, the whole overpriced and underfilled cartridge deal pissed me off, along with the clone cart and refill issues, so I went to a mono Samsung laser. It was $20 after rebate. I never put a Samsung branded

I don’t get anything like a vomit taste from a Hershey’s Milk Choc. bar, I get a faint taste of some awful cough syrup I took when I was a kid. I have to say, IMHO, Toblerone is the worst of this bunch, with Hershey’s close in #9, and I agree totally with Lindt as the #1 of this group. Any of the top bunch are OK with

I had a couple of them and, I don’t know why, but they were both clowns. I never saw one as a kid that wasn’t a clown. I had the second one because my dog ate the bottom of it and let the sand out. In my bedroom. 

About 1985 or ‘86, my mother and I were going to SC to visit my sister, and I don’t remember the exact spot, but a truck carrying barrels of Twizzler red flavoring had dumped it’s load. They had a wrecker, some cleanup crew people and State Troopers who were trying to get people to drive around the spilled stuff,

Almost all of us do something really stupid when we are young. I was nearly shot by the Vegas cops in early ‘76. I was confused as to why they were both screaming at me and I reached into my pocket for my car keys. Dumb dumb dumb. They thought I matched the description of some guy robbing tourists. I wasn’t even

I had an “Original Runza” years ago, and I liked it a lot. I can’t recall thinking it was “bland”, but I’m from Ohio, so? Seriously, I liked it, and I’m pretty picky. I didn’t see the point of the cabbage though, but I had no problems with it.

We used to go watch trains on Cima Hill, on the Cal/Nev border area back in the later 70's to early ‘80s. We were paranoid as hell, and had with us at all times:

I wish I could live long enough to see what becomes of the whole PSR period in the train history books/sites say 50 years from now. I think it’s going to be remembered as a period of management greed gone off the deep end. I personally wouldn’t be shocked if the railroads get a lot of regulation again. Not at the old

I agree with not pushing them, IF they actually have real anxiety, but with my friend’s kid, I think she was just trying to milk the being driven everywhere by mom or dad thing, and not having to deal with little bro and sis alone in a car and dealing with waiting for them, etc. Once she realized that all the useless

Time to set a cut off date for her. My friend’s oldest daughter decided when she was about to turn 16, “I don’t think I want to get my license...yet”.Well, mom and dad told her, “OK, but as of your 16th birthday, no more rides unless it’s someplace we are all going anyway, or to school. Oh, that goes for trips to

The first time I saw pavement buckle was when I was in the 5th grade. I came home on the ancient “Community Traction Co.” buses that were bought not too long after WWII. They rattled and shook and broke down all the time, so when the bus’ front end suddenly dipped down on the right side as we came to the stop at the

I want my Jif Chunky, I really missed it during the pandemic, but nuts in brownies and ice cream is a hard “HELL NO!”. Same goes for fudge. We had a relative who made fantastic fudge every year and sent it out as a holiday gift. My mom tried and tried to get her to leave out the damn walnuts, and finally, she seemed

My former GF and I came to the conclusion that Smucker’s Natural was the peanuts that were originally roasted for Jif and they screwed up and left them in the roaster too long. It’s not as bad as the all time champ, IMHO, Shedd’s, but it’s not even “OK”, like Skippy is.