
“So it’s not just a clever name...”

This is the greatest editorial policy since the Deadwood Pioneer’s policy of “print whatever Al Swearengen tells us to.”

I’d make a face if someone whacked me in the arm too - no idea why this was such a big deal.

I used to work payroll and there was an employee called Chadwick. I snickered every time I saw his time sheets.

I dislike him because 20 or so years ago (probably more) he came out and said that his teenage fans “discredited” him. He didn’t want to be associated with them. I was heart broken. What a dick face.

And bitch, we made you. Don’t knock the hand that feeds you.

He’s got that level of douchebag that would make him suit the name Chad. Only a few people get there. It’s like ultimate douchebag. And it's not really something I can put my finger on. He's just one of those. For no particular reason. I just look at his face and think Chad.

Right on. I just thought I was missing something more sinister considering a lot of actors/celebrities are awful humans.

He looks like a fat Siamese cat to me. But I've got a big old round face myself so I shouldn't throw stones.

It’s not just the current modelizing. It’s a long and recorded history of being an utter misogynistic dickhead.

I think he is a moron. I wouldn’t go as far as hate. But he does do moron things. Like the whole “Pussy Posse” thing. And the dancing in clubs with sunglasses on while vaping. I would mock anyone for that.

Abusive, no. He’s just kind of a dick in ways like this basically all the time, if you follow this kind of gossip at all. Nothing terribly memorable, but I mean, this is normal behavior for him. He doesn’t seem to care about other people’s feelings.

I can only speak for myself but I can’t get past his Charlie Brown head.

I didn’t know your mom was a Steelers fan.

Roger Goodell: [Rubs hands together, smiling]

The Bengals are the Cleveland Browns of the playoffs

She’s crying because the trash she threw didn’t hit anyone

I wouldn’t be so quick to blame Vontaze for such a monumental lapse in judgement.

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere