
If paying a witness to fail to cooperate isn’t obstruction of justice, it fucking should be. And yes, you should absolutely face penalties even if an imperfect judicial system fails to.

So the context of that outcome doesn’t matter? And he has an “inherent right” to make a living with an organization that can cut him from the roster at any time and for any reason? Floyd Mayweather works for himself. Hardy works for an organization and a league with a strict domestic violence policy. That policy


You can’t possibly be serious? We’re still talking about Ray rice and deflated footballs a year later. This is going to follow Hardy for a long time if his ass doesn't get fired first.

Uh, no. There is a public right to know here.

Dallas deserves him.

A good way to live life: Assume anyone who seriously says or types “liberal media agenda” is actually a dog of below average intelligence who somehow slammed his paws into the keyboard to make actual English words somehow.

According to the National Center For Catastrophic Sports Injury Research, only two cheerleaders died from 1982 to 2011 from a traumatic injury.

Equating the bill with this situation makes you a horrible fucking person.

That’s exactly the kind of mundane situation that quickly becomes absolutely terrifying if you’re dealing with an abuser.

Except he wasn’t all like “Oh ok cool.” He was a weird asshole about it, even though it was “right there.”

What your kid doesn’t know won’t hurt them.

So, it wouldn’t have accomplished anything.

It looks like today is your first day commenting. It should probably be your last.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

This is the part that made me go “huh wat?” too. Like that is a fucking witness, why would they not arrest him?

Let’s watch it again!

Seems like it.

This is not shitty people. Shitty people are the people who throw their trash out the window on the highway. This is a person convicted of a truely terrible crime.

Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.