
I agree. A lot of misogynistic musicians or genres that are populated by white men tend to get away with it, whereas any genres that feature mostly MOC always get called out. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be, but if they’re going to call out a rapper I’d hope they’d also be calling out old white rock stars and the

Hip hop is no more misogynistic than other popular musical genres cultivated in our overall misogynistic society - it simply is standard in the genre to be more lyrically vivid than than rock and pop, so you feel everything it talks about more viscerally, and it is a creation of Black people, so people like to

I definitely wouldn’t say that. I feel like I hear hip hop called out for misogyny way more than other equally misogynistic genres.

The co-pilot agrees.

Actually and factually the District Attorney Michael Tantillo interpreted a Medical Examiners report and came to a conclusion that “the level of marijuana in Ward’s system was high enough to impair judgment”. Not a Toxicologist, not a Coroner, not a Physician. A District Attorney.
I don’t beleive his opinion would not

I tend to agree that the marijuana was probably not a significant factor in the incident. But it sounds damning in court and presents a major obstacle to assigning fault to another party.

With the levels he had, he shouldn’t have even been in the race.

The saddest part to me is reading a Jezebel article lambasting someone for a typo, when articles on all Gawker entities regularly go live riddled with errors (typographical, factual, you name it!) that are often never addressed regardless of how many times they are pointed out.

Now playing

Anytime basebrawls are discussed I am reminded of my favorite—the time Kyle Farnsworth kicked the shit out of Paul Wilson.

Nolan Ryan is also the subject of one of the most underrated pieces of sports photography ever (IMO)

You’re a moron.

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?

This comment is brilliant. “Tom Lady.” It’s funny because people with vaginas suck! “Under oath of perjury.” Someone frequently has episodes of Perry Mason on when they are passed out drunk! And I love the idea that you think a person in a civil case discussing non-criminal conduct can “plead the 5th.” What a cherry,

The same Philly that has fans who vomit on opposing fans and throw batteries at opposing players. Meek Mill is the cherry on top.


I’m the barefoot person you all hate. Sorry! Not sorry enough to stop taking my shoes off, but I will try extra hard not to let my feet touch your stuff. Didn’t realize it was an issue.

I picture an oil canvas with Snyder lovingly draped over a couch. Much like this:

Yes but the cars aren’t hunting you and trying to eat you. Cars are very mundane that way. (And yes, I know sharks really want to eat seals and not you, but trying to deny the rather obvious root of the fear factor is futile.)