
Oh - she is such an innocent angel. Because she is black. And the guys whose lives were destroyed. All evil by virtue of being white.

"I think most people despise the guy for running them down in the first place."

I'm so proud a fellow Arizona alum has finally been invited to teach at Harvard.

I think the real problem with Chivalry is that it should go both ways! In which case I guess it would have to be called something else. Like Basic Human Decency.

Shiiiiiiit. I've often had women insist on paying for drinks/meals. Was I supposed to be "putting out"? I feel bad now for not living up to my end of "the bargain."

Football isn't to blame for this one. It sounds like a powerful grandpa with the ability to wipe things away is to blame for this one

Daisy and her family have used their full names and allowed photos to be published of them in multiple interviews and articles. Note how the other young woman in the case was not named because she's decided not to do the same.

The SUV driver ran over a member of a mob, that was threatening his family after trying to illegally shut down a highway, in an attempt to escape said violent mob. Make sense now?

I read The Red Tent awhile back (it was the best thing available in the Detroit airport bookstore) and ever since, if I need to tell Mr. M that I have/am about to get my period, I say very dramatically, "I am about to begin my moooon time."

These descriptions put me in mind of items from the J. Peterman Catalog on Seinfeld.


That last sentence should actually say, "Other racists have pointed out that 'yankee' has been used as a pejorative term," because are you fucking serious.

I have to be honest, this is fantastic timing. I'm currently embroiled in a situation that's very... sensitive, I guess is a good way to put it. In fact, it's very sensitive, and frankly things could go either way right now and that's not good. And you're exactly the person who I need to talk to about it.

Who fixed the Cardinals game about 10 years ago. There were a bunch of wildfires and they had to play it at a college stadium. Some dude choked on a field goal. I lost 5 grand and havent bet since. Who the fuck fixed it?

A fellow bookie, eh? What's your favorite piece of 20th century fiction by a non-American author?

In your time with the Discovery Channel, have you ever seen Megalodon in person? What's the over/under on Megalodon taking gold in Rio in 2016?

How far can you punt a football?

I don't think smoking needs the help, just look at these losers:

Cancerous fog? Stuff like that makes me want to take up smoking just to irritate awful people. You should be far more concerned about the health side effects of breathing in your own farts so much.

Not sure what's going on here. Didn't say a word about the Mets.