
My cousin came forward about her molestation at the hands of her mother's boyfriend a couple of years ago. They had broken up after being on and off for almost 10 years. A little while later my cousin found out he was dating a woman that had an elementary age daughter. She went to that woman and told her to break it

He said he was the most published author on the planet, not the author of a mythological anthology...

Listen, I've heard En Vogue's "Free Your Mind," too. You're not going to educate me on the minority experience in America any more than my life already has. There's a massive difference between flustered, furious and crazy. As a person of color, a "plus size" person, and a gay person I'm very familiar with what

I mean, wouldn't be be cheaper to just fly to Idaho and jerk off all over Hemingway's grave?

My mother came downstairs on the morning of my Father's Birthday to find my brother, who, having decided to make Dad's favorite German chocolate cake, filled a bowl with 12 eggs, milk, ketchup and was trying to get the lid off the pickle jar.

No, some are from Reddit.

I am glad to see Jezebel finally starting to cover stories like this. It is a welcome departure from the breathless coverage of the "struggles" of privileged white American women.

Those guards knew exactly what was going on and what was going to happen.

Without a doubt, it's because they come from Asian (probably Chinese) fur farms where the animals are essentially tortured. Stop and think about how horrifically the animals must be treated and the conditions must be at these farms if it's cheaper to use the fur from a real live animal halfway across the globe than to

Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

This whole list seems strangely dated. I had to check the date at the top to make sure i wasn't reading an old post.

They should suspend him without pay.

I'll join that team. Look, you want to have sex in a car in the middle of the day? More power to you. But sometimes someone will see that and be offended. And, yeah probably the whole thing centered on the cop thinking he was a john and she was a hooker. But if they were in fact having sex in a car in a major urban

I'm fully #TeamNoOne on this one.

He wears Exclusively Lacoste polos.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

Stormageddon's dad is taking the late night spot of a well known Doctor Who nerd? I am... Ok with this.

My dog just died. To say she was my best friend doesn't do justice to the bond we shared. I know dogs don't live forever. I know she was sick. I know she had a great life. I thought I had prepared for her death, I had no idea it would feel like this.

And a partridge. In a pear tree.

And then he nodded, satisfied with his list and convinced that he had hit the basic deal-breakers. Then he put on his fedora, went online, and complained that no women ever want to date such a nice guy like him.