
@Enochrewt: I worked in a factory that manufactured animal cages one summer and I totally got to use my Walkman during my shift (this was in 1995, so well before the mp3 era). Lots of moving forklifts to avoid. It's just a matter of paying attention. Obviously company policy will vary from place to place. This was

@PaintDrinkingPete: No idea how we developed that quirk, but it's been like this all my time in California, and I've been here on and off since 1982.

@TheNimboo: Not that hard if you know a lot of trivia about a lot of topics. You get to answer first, after all. Someone with Asperger's like me, who soaks up trivia like a sponge, usually does well in these games, especially if you get the question in advance and don't have to ring in first in order to answer. I

I beat Watson 47-9. It helps I know a lot of trivia and rarely gave a wrong answer or passed.

@Sean Godos: Never mind, this is going nowhere. I really must remember not to feed the trolls.

@Kaiser-Machead: I agree with you in principle, but I have to disagree with the notion that seismic activity can't render us extinct. Supervolcano activity can certainly fit the bill...and the Toba eruption some 70,000+ years ago nearly did just that, rendering the entire human population to mere thousands. The fact

@El_Mexicutioner: Does this include phone calls? You'd have both hands on the phone while pressing it against your ear? Or would you simply never use it that way and always use Bluetooth so you can keep the phone safely pocketed? For that matter, how would you pocket it with both hands? After all, it could slip

@El_Mexicutioner: I doubt many people handle a baby as often as a cell phone. Additionally, you have to handle a baby with two hands. Do you always cradle your cell phone with both hands, focusing 100% concentration on making sure of its safety like you would with a baby?

@McMike: Entered comments looking for this and left satisfied. Giz commenters rarely let me down.

@greimel: No, but I did when David Blaine tried to set a new record for holding his breath while underwater several years back and got a little past two minutes before I had to breathe again. I figure in an emergency I could make it to three minutes. Anyone who can go beyond four minutes is amazing.

@N@tedog: Hmmm, I've been using my Nike+ paired with my 2nd generation Nano since early 2007...I wonder if I would have to upgrade my Nano to use this. If so, no deal. I don't need a newer Nano just to get a heart rate monitor synced with my Nike+ when I already have a separate heart rate monitor (albeit one not as

@Sean Godos: I don't see how you succeeded in proving Dr. Herbenick is a slut based on providing the dictionary definition of the term. Is Dr. Drew a junkie because he's an addiction specialist?

@Dayv: It absolutely would hold water in a criminal proceeding. A jury could easily be swayed by this.