
My scorecard:

My card for Mayweather v. Alvarez

The website generally is good, but that author came across as having an axe to grind.

My scorecard for Garcia v. Matthysse:

Nice. There was a pretty scathing article on Grantland questioning his popularity in Mexico, but I was telling my friends that there should be no mistaking a lack of attendance at a press conference for a lack of people who will be watching and cheering.

The sporting world will go insane. I love me some Floyd, but if he loses, you can pretty much guarantee rematches 1 and 2. Worth it.

Ump is chest-to-chest with Fernandez. If Johnson runs in front of him he's either going to actually bodily contact the ump or push dude into him. I thought the same thing at first, but I think this is the likely answer.

/ducks into conversation due to NBA relevance

Negative. I am being totally serious. I detailed a bit more in another post.

Everyone dressed out for games at the main athletic facility locker rooms (Butts-Mehre Building, and yes the name is horrible) and then rides the bus over to the stadium across campus to do the Dawg Walk for the fans in full gear and pads. The stadium has locker rooms too, but everyone has all their stuff in the

Totally true. Totally widespread. Totally not as big a deal as it seems, as it involves (I'm hoping) totally willing participants on all sides.

Yep. Just posted in another reply that at DI level, while I was there it went from a pretty open thing with the hostesses to totally off limits, but still the host/hostess would make sure that the right kind of girls were advised where the recruits were going to be partying.

At my SEC school 10 years ago, we had to undergo some serious changes to the hostess program as the details of their "services" were becoming more and more public knowledge. They changed the name at least twice, adding men to the group and making strict and explicit rules against physical contact. All that wound up


I just went down that rabbit hole. Holy baby jesus. That kid got totally screwed. I'm a dedicated and card-carrying member of the Evil Corporate Empire, but I've forwarded this to my Do-Gooder lawyer friends. Looks like his lawyer is on the right track though.

But isn't every cabbie named something vaguely resembling Habib Abdi Hashi?

Yep. The Dope Fiend Sandwich is for friends or fellow inmates who are crashing. 1) Take a pack of 2 peanut butter cookies and a Snickers from the commissary/convenience store. 2) Break Snickers in half and place between two cookies 3) Put it all back in the cookie package and smoosh with a book or whatever 4) Feed

+1 for internet Ughhery.

+1 I used to show this to my students in my brief stint as a teacher. The film is strong to quite strong.