Barb Fraser

Geez, what do the born rich, morally and intellectually vacuous Kartrashians have to do to lose favour with the folks at Jezebel?Rhetorical. Havent you anything better to talk about then this cretinous creature?She quite literally has NOTHING to say. They have had their 15. Turn them over, they are?DONE.

Well I wrote a reply oh pompous one and in the land of “free speech”?I got not just pending...but obliterated. Its was a great comment too. Didnt use any profanities or threaten anyone. But sure I’ll try again. Canadians get it eh? too bad the brainwashed Americans dont! You know who and what you are defending?Its not

Oh gee look!Its yet another!uniformed, reactionary American filled with hubris, proclaiming...”maybe it shouldnt be” about Canada’s independence and sovereignty...WTAF! and WHO TAF do you “think”you are? Oh thats right I know, a brainwashed American, so brainwashed he “thinks” he knows what “free speech” is. You know

But see in Amurica...the home of “free speech”!Hoot! Where you cant BUY an ad if its against the US of Big Oil!even if its completely TRUE! no matter how much money you have?Only fascist, racist, born rich PIGS can incite hatred with impunity. When they do?The lap DOG of weaponized legal vultures...oh I mean the “DOJ”

Says the uniformed reactionary American eh?Meantime, little one...wakey, wakey!Your speech?has NEVER been absolutely “free”...DOH. Cant shout FIRE in a theatre, and unless you are fascist, misogynist, racist PIG like the last president you had, you are not supposed to be able to INCITE A RIOT! Get this!With

They look like exactly what they are...very highly priced prostitutes who will pose for money, who will wear product for money, who will do anything for money. Kim still exploits her mentally ill ex-husband, They pose beside art and make it?OBSCENE. That, IS what they are. Walking, barely talking...obs

Proceed with caution folks...there is a critique that is to say there is CRITICISM of the Kartrashian clan comes from? A REAL feminist. 

Gee Megan...”free speech” and all that say what? I see my comment..still pending “approval” by y’all. Come one now...defend yourself. Show me!Where my comment needs to be still held in”pending” mode.What exactly did I say that you feel the NEED to censor it? Go ahead. I will wait write here. Or is the TRUTH you know

Really Megan?In this “review” of the Kartrashians, not ONE mention of the damage done?The damage done!By the born rich, empty headed materialistic moron, Kim Kartrashian! who gets away with “black face” and who flashes her glittering rocks in the faces of the poors all over the net! and then whines when she is robbed

But who is really surprised by this?Despite the million dollar PR campaign that sought only to submerge Biden’s real record from the public consciousness?His record reveals something very ugly about how he “thinks” about POC. Who supported predatory credit card companies that preyed on who?The working poor and POC.

In order to get your thinking straight?Lets start with the beginning.Your premise is specious.

The comment simply said...”Actually, this company ships outside the US, so its not just relevant to Americans...”You called out the comment for whining. Actually? It was helpful information to Canadians who may have been affected. You said it was whining.For whining because it was only “relevant”to the US, it was US

Um, Brisbane Australia? Because you dont then share a ~3500 mile border with the US do you? You would not be in a country which IS the US’s largest trading partner now would you?It’s a TOTALLY relevant question. Our fruits and vegetables are exchanged on the reg. Try reading a map?Then perhaps you wont be calling out

Newsflash!Why wouldnt the scum Alan Dershowitz go for that? Little known FACTS apparently!....There is no ERA in America!!!! and wakey, wakey folks CHILD MARRIAGE!An abomination!Misogyny IN LAW!is legal where? Wait for it....In the United States of America. Fact, not alternative fact!!!!!Where?is the OUTRAGE?

I cant watch her show anymore. Its one thing to be civil to celebs you dont care for, but it is quite another thing, to insist!one is FRIENDS with them. Ellen can play ball with Georgie in the back of one their estates!share some nachos!cuddle up to him like hes a freaking teddy bear!Makes no difference. The “man”is a

And hey Shannon!Not even ONE mention of how friggin VAIN one has to be to ONLY put a touched up[wow!] image of yourself!on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE?What!an opportunist tho! Where...oh where...has Oprah been? Have you ever asked her....Hey Oprah!Still endorse your TV spawn?”Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil”?! out there spewing dangerous

Well, well well. Even in this time, Oprah gets?another pass. Are folks afraid of her?or what?Will somebody just ask her just a few questions, you any other context...its called accountability. I have more...but um, lets start with:

The Catholic Church is...wait for it...MISOGYNIST. Mother Theresa with all her accomplishments, still had less actual status within the cult than an alter boy. That whole virgin birth shite?That!was to take away even the power of giving birth from women. After all, if a woman gave birth to Jesus...wouldnt that imply

Okay, well I blogged about this, because that is where I vent my REAL opinions. But JFC. I liked her at one time, respected her “journey” and her stance on LGBQT...and then I cringed. And I cringed again. Lets see, all the folks in the world to hang with and she chooses...wait for it...GWBush, an actual WAR CRIMINAL.

Thank you! for responding, I appreciate it!