Is number 6 zombies?
Happy B-day Jezebellians(?)
Children have been making mistakes since the beginning of time. You made mistakes as a child because it’s in the nature of children to do so.
It’s really hard to simulate or imagine the stupidity of the average middle school student. Or how easy it is for them to figure out how to get past ‘parental safeguards’.
I am now imagining desert fighters armed with AK 47s and Pastries.
I’m gonna guess we have no idea how many of those opposing Vick’s acceptance into the Va Tech Hall of Fame are from the college?
The dynamic of viewpoints tend to change when whites are a minority of the population. El Paso is 80% Hispanic. So the people Governor Abbott want checked out look like the majority of the population.
Is this just Fantasy??
Is this Gundam Wing?
Redline is good. Akira is Akira.
Texas country drivers consider it ‘polite’ to pull over on the shoulder, if possible, allowing a driver to pass in the case of a double yellow line. Of course, I have a truck so it could be a case of ‘polite cause he is bigger than me’.
Also, related to what um TimeTo... said, you can volunteer at Martha’s Table in the DC metro area. One of the founders was Father Horace McKenna, who’s work with the poor is still highly regarded in the DC area.
Calling a guy who’s in a wheelchair “floppy”, no es bueno.
FYI the Texas Legislature meets once every two years.
So this morning, I’m watching Today, which started at 7 AM local time. The first story was the weather.
Starred for the correct spelling of “YUGELY”.