This sounds a lot like heresy.
I discussed it with my colleague, and neither of us had ever heard of the ‘you don’t hit guys in the crotch’. He grew up in Texas, I grew up on military bases.
It’s so horrible they can’t agree how to present her story since they both loved her and have the same intentions on protecting her image.
My god, another, Christ, what the hell are we? Jezebelians? Jezebelites? in Corpus, and here I thought I was the only one. We can wax nostalgic about ... the aquarium? the Lex? the Christmas Miracle? the traffic on Staples? Price’s Chef?
You take that back about Garfield!!
I voted early - my now wife and I voted at our local center for the deaf and hard of hearing over a weekend.
As your husband is in the military, don’t be afraid to reach out to the CO’s (or head NCO if Mr. Antisocial is an NCO) spouse. It’s old fashioned but she’ll/he’ll at least be aware of the base culture and hopefully tell you the who’s who and what’s what down in Mobile.
I still think this a brilliant viral marketing campaign for IT.
We have arguments today about Shakespeare’s life.
Is it me or having the “retiring” team still do the ‘behind the scenes’ stuff seems tasteless? It’s like ‘You’re fired but we need you to sweep up your office and turn out the light first.’
I think the Black Templars also have a space fortress.
Did I see good bounty hunters? Maybe?
I don’t understand why this guy doesn’t change his name and vanish into the woodwork.