
+Nathan Because I don’t want gender politics in my games.The way they hamfisted this in makes it seem like SJW agenda. I don’t care nor do I want this shit in my games because it breakes immersion.

Dear GG,

I got this T shirt for my fiancee because 1) she is awesome and 2) we are not only nerds, but professional nerds at that.

When my Uncle had his mind ravaged by Alzheimer’s and MS, he could tell Blue Bell ice cream from other brands. When Blue Bell came back to our area of Texas, there was a rush on the stores and they were sold out THAT DAY.

Where can we buy it?

I don’t think I have enough swear words for this.

Let’s not forget ‘and college students’ - god knows my college career is filed with silly things, some of them even created or done while sober.

Huh. Kinja authors write an article and the amount of interest in said article is based on the comments and views. This is kind of the basic social transaction here. As in all Gawker sites - io9, Gawker, Kotaku, Jezebelle.

2nd or 3rd edition 40K rules explicitly give orc vehicles a +1 movement if they are painted red, because “Red Onez Go Fastta”. The shade of paint GW sold was called “Gofastta Red”.

This is a more accurate picture of what she looked like back in the day.

Part of me wonders if Snape is the way he is to give his students a ‘terrible monster’ to give them something to strive against. Kind of like the 1980 Men’s Hockey Team at the Olympics (called The Miracle on Ice) - the coach figured :

At first I was like “Hey wait, Erik Erickson would fit in just fine.” Then I looked up Erick Erickson and realized he was totally different from Erik Erickson, the famous developmental psychologist. So now I am angry at Erick Erickson for totally screwing up a perfectly good name in addition to him being the founder

Never ascribe to malfeasance what can be ascribed to stupidity.

my dog’s ashes

Would those be enlisted people or officer people? Married people or bachelor people? Because the military treats all of these people differently.

The joke, in the case of VII, was Cloud’s (and, by extension, the player’s) sense of discomfort despite there not being any real reason to be uncomfortable in the first place. Discussions about the negative aspects of VII’s portrayal of crossdressing—the stigmatization of other queer characters, the way Cloud’s

The military has a LOT of inertia. These are the same organizations that has traditions going back decades or longer (ask a Marine about the Marine Hymn, he or she can probably sing it). I think you’ll see change on transgender issues in the future, but it’s important to remember that change comes from the top down -

Episcopal services can run the gamut from very informal casual affairs, to very formal services. It tends to depend on the pastor and the church membership.

So you’re telling us you got a pre-order in?