Bernard Lowe is an anagram for Arnold Weber.
Bernard Lowe is an anagram for Arnold Weber.
I got ACTUAL PINK EYE! as in, a bacterial infection! I had to go to my doctor and tell her that some dude who looked like Chris Evans jizzed in my eyeball! I had to get prescription eye drops and use them during my favorite week of the college year, which encompassed both spring break AND st Patrick’s day! guess what…
Dudes, first time I tried a blowjob I messed up and got a wad right in my eye. It was bright red for two days. Guess what I did not give up on.
That's not really the point though.
I don’t think they were implying that it was your doing, just that the Gawker universe posts a lot of things shitting on Amazon, but also takes plenty of ca$$$$h ad money from them, so it’s all a bit conflict of interest.
That’s... not... my doing. Ever.
these anti amazon articles would have a lot more weight if you couldnt find ‘kinja amazon deals of the day!!’ on the same page
That would actually make sense. But it would defeat the purpose of rape culture, which is to keep women scared and marginalized.
As a British woman, the idea of tipping has always been somewhat alien to me. I just sort of expect that a restaurant bill or taxi fare will go towards paying people fairly, the notion that I should be partially in control of how much someone else’s employee earns is baffling. If I ever visited the US, eating out…
Let’s stop claiming that “making up the rules as they go along” is such a terrible thing. This has become such a trite criticism of anything that the person saying it doesn’t even need to elaborate further.
No lie. I loved the way it looked. (Admittedly, I was in my 20s.)
She explained the reason, which turns out, is one of the two things I legit learned from that show. The reason was, if she stepped in wet paint, she’d feel it on her feet before she tracked it all over the rest of the house. I now paint in bare feet/socks for exactly the same reason.
Three years ago this October, Marina and Kevin Krim experienced potentially the worst horror imaginable: their…
He was standing out of the way of the base path. Utley had a clear shot at the bag and decided to go after the fielder. Theres a rule against that and now that rule will be heavily enforced.
There is actually a rule against what he did. He went out of the base path, made zero attempt at reaching the base and purposely collided with someone with their back turned to him.
Breaking up a double play, and breaking the guys leg should not be considered the same thing. I don’t know why it is deemed necessary to “break up” a double play. You would never be allowed to run into the outfield and slide into a guy while he was waiting for a pop up to come down. When A-rod slapped the ball out of…
How about even running towards the general directon of the base? How about sliding, feet first into the base to break up the double play and not starting your “slide” when you’re parallel to the bag? How about not making contact with the shortstop before your leg even hits the dirt? How about at least faking like…
Everyone who wants fireworks should expect to wait until then anyway. I figure if the Mets don’t have a lead, they’ll hold off on retribution. But as soon as they have one, in the late innings, game on.