I’d imagine all the onions being cut in here will be delicious on one of Boog’s BBQ sandwiches while I eat my feelings. Great work, Joe.
I’d imagine all the onions being cut in here will be delicious on one of Boog’s BBQ sandwiches while I eat my feelings. Great work, Joe.
God it’s so cool to hate on old white dudes. I just feel invigorated and alive by racism disguised as activism!
Willing to bet if the mayor was a Republican and didn’t order an evacuation, Franklin would direct her sass-fest Tweet storm at him for being so unprepared and negligent. I completely agree with not evacuating due to the logistics, and that the mayor made the right call. I just also have the queasy feeling that…
“Use your guns responsibly” is a better take. But fuck common sense and the behavior of the overwhelming majority of law-abiding gun owners, right?
Did you SEE Baltimore in April? You’re going to tell me that wasn’t a riot? Seriously?
This is an important detail. Jezebel’s finest are in midseason form bashing white men and how they abuse “women of color” WHEN THIS SITUATION DOES NOT ILLUSTRATE THAT POINT.
No, he’s got a point. You’re just resorting to insults because you don’t have an argument.
Belichick can fuck square off, but there’s nothing malicious here. However, as long as it pisses off feminists and SJWs, he should find a reason to do this in every Pats game Thomas works.
Christ, look at these replies. I’m not advocating the heartlessness being exhibited by gun advocates in their posts, but your toxic attitudes about gun owners are a lot of the reason these largely law-abiding people feel disenfranchised and attacked. And good work assuming they're all Republicans by the way. You guys…
Fuck Bomani Jones, his Afro-centric bullshit name, his faux outrage, and his lame takes.
And? I'm glad he's white. For that comment alone, I hope he rips into every non-white infielder for the rest of the postseason. Fuck minorities.
This kid is a douche, no doubt, but leave to the Kinja SJWs/guiltists/apologists to make it a race joke. If this kid were black, we’d have non-stop coverage of the “systematic discrimination against students of color at U.S. universities.” Instead, the comments section here is (unsurprisingly) riddled with played-out,…
Basically, what these comments suggest is that white people are wrong regardless of what side they take, whatever they say about black people. Facts be damned: if you’re white, you’re wrong, and should feel guilty and self-flagellate for eternity.
What do you expect them to do? They’re wrong if they ignore him, yet if they arrest him, they’re racist. God forbid they use force.
“At this point I’m positive he’s going to call over those terrifying guards with those enormous automatic guns that I’ve never seen in real life because I’m Australian and we have responsible gun laws.”
Admittedly, I do care more about my guns — and by extension, my rights — than the lives of others. Not really ashamed of it. In my world, I come first.
I’m sorry man, but eloquence and poise isn’t enough to mask the fact that you and the BLM movement will stop at nothing — even to the point of cannibalizing political contemporaries — to propagate the white-generalizing anti-racist racism. It’s extremism, plain and simple, and it doesn’t excuse the group’s behavior at…
Looks like someone can't handle a contrarian viewpoint. YOU oughta shut the fuck up, clown.
According to the testimony and the findings from three MEs, Brown wasn't shot with his hands up. The entire "Hands up, don't shoot" movement was born out of "telephone eyewitnessing," rage and race-baiting.
"Unfortunately, Sam was cut by St. Louis..."