
As impressive as the obvious Russian corruption is, I think it's worth noting how ridiculously corrupt and twisted spending on the Olympics is even before the Russian kleptocracy gets involved.

12 BILLION dollars to host a sporting event. That is fucking ridiculous. It cost 450 million to launch a space shuttle. The

Your post is heartbreaking.

If your kids are using cute toothbrushes (useless for adults, by the way—I bought a singing Little Mermaid one and it did nothing for me)

Just Fuck. I got nothing else. No, I guess I do. Educated, or maybe people who have had access to an education, refute evolution despite all the empirical evidence? Just Fuck. If Bill Walton is the voice of reason...Just Fuck.

You have to respect this level of premeditated trolling. Walton ordered the book, brought it to the game, waited for his chance on live tv.

BUNDT cake is delicious

Actually, it's extremely cool. If I were this bloke's neighbor I'd give him a big xmas hug just for doing something so awesome.

Cristiano Ronaldo's self-confidence is easily one of my favorite things about him. For over a decade, the English-language press has been obsessed with pushing a sexist, homophobic, xenophobic image of him as a swarthy, preening girly man who is ruining A Real Man's Sport, but dude could not give less of a fuck. It's

Have you ever interacted with the police? It sounds like you think the only times they can infringe on your rights is when you've committed a crime. Here's an encounter I had not even a week ago:

One of the rear view cameras on my car is mic'd - last time I was stopped, the officers went back there to discuss their plan, so...when they told me I was being recorded, I told them they were being recorded as well. All's fair.

Ugh WHY. WHY, in an age in which we have acknowledged that "Hmm, seems like this clitoris thing is kind of important for orgasms", are people still asking, "So liek hao come she doezn't cum if I aim for the spot (aka the vagina) an inch and a half below where her clit is with my peener?" That would be like a woman

Clearly this list is wrong and a player from my favorite team should be ranked higher. Also that one player is totally better than the other one you have ranked higher.

161. Andy Carroll

Honestly, I'm praying he does decide to run for president . . . We'd be rid of him, and he's not remotely electable on a national level. He has the opposite of charisma. I can't wait until the GOP throws their entire weight behind him in 2016 before realizing that charmless dolts don't win votes for president.

Probably deserved it...He always acted like the whole world revolved around him.

Fucking Icarus, just can't let things go.

"My test: asking my 35-year-old husband what he thinks of the five ladies listed on the page whom various 18- and 19-year-old-guys dig..." I don't if it is just me, but if my wife asked me that question all I'd be hearing is "DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER"

And now, a reading from a letter from St. Paul to the Corinthinians:

Interesting viewpoint. As a fellow journo who have talked to Toyota engineers and owners, here's another perspective.

For when you're going on missions for SHIELD. This is another great ThinkGeek item. Shield not included, I'm