
When you tell these idiots about how many people of color were actually in medieval Europe, and their presence was just erased from the historical record by people they’d really get along with, they fucking implode with rage.

As a dev, I will tell you the true feelings of a lot of developers is “wow, if I didn’t know so many talented trans people, my game would never get finished.” I mean, I’m currently running about 20 different tools in my pipeline developed by trans devs. Most teams I know have a trans person working in a major role,

Please let Jermaine Clements as his father

Yeah most of this isnt British lingo.

I’ve also heard muppet used a few times as an insult.

Except “snuff” is typically used as an insert for death, as in they’ve “snuffed it”.

It’s an odd location for Lego’s Star Wars brand to hold a beach party, especially since half of the Star Wars galaxy seems to be made up of sand planets

Eh, this song doesn’t hold a candle to The Saga Begins.


Because my balls are amazing, duh!

Could you imagine a work where we sexuality testicles like we do breast. Dudes getting giant ball enhancing surgery. Pants cut with little windows so you can just see a little of your balls.  I want to live in this world 

I don’t see what the problem is. Just use the Direct Select tool to move those big pendulous breast south and turn them into big pendulous balls. 

It is still a website. A website covering video games. These are video games concerned with BDSM play and culture. Does that help?

Oh no, kink positivity, whatever shall the white boys do??

Considering we’re only 3 years out from Secret Wars, I could totally see Marvel introduce a new actor as an alt-universe T’Challa, but leave the main universe T’Challa dead in honor of Boseman. And depending on how they do the Fantastic Four, if they’re dimension-hopping adventurers who aren’t based in the main MCU

Because Othello has been played by a white man in blackface for 400 years. Because Fu Manchu has been played by a white man in yellowface for a century. Because John Wayne played Genghis Khan.

there are black gods in Hades bc there were black ppl in Ancient Greece. hope this helps

When a website decides to make a video for something that could easily be an article, it’s like they farted in your face. So I can relate

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You can split The Graham Norton Show episodes into two groups. The ones without Miriam Margoyles and the ones with her in it. She’s ... quite a character.