
That last bit was cool.

From Bulbapedia

Then we have other issues to resolve with you.


My parents packed my older sister and me to the library every weekend so we could save money on heat and AC throughout the year. I went through a lot of the books in the library, and after a while I tended to prefer to read the “new” books—the ones with the sharp creases and paper smell—and timed it down to

I’m curious...what would the compromise be? Half a child that they share with another family?

No kidding

I’m going to agree with you. I thought both persona 1 and 2 were far weirder.

...have you played a lot of JRPGs? I hardly think that FF7 is “the weirdest” by any stretch of the imagination. Convoluted, sure. but Weirdest? Out of Japan? Cmon...

Full disclosure, I didn’t read most of this article, and the actual story seems a lot more friendly considering what I did read, but I still picture it like this:

And this is how I’d prefer to see the fan and modding communities treated. “Oh, you’re doing something awesome with our IP? Great! Could you help show us how you did that?”

There were also action figures.

Also I guess bears noting that it sounds like a direct homage to Monty Python’s Search For The Holy Grail.

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Yeah, but the cartoon was enjoyable and that theme song was amazing.

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is listed at 6'9", 440lbs


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Why is it so hard for people to research this? FYI, alex is in the wrong, factually legally wrong in every instance here. There was a possible dispute at first(before the dmca’s) where benefit of the doubt went to mauer over not being paid enough but imagos already TRIED working with mauer many times to settle this.