the trick is to add boobs to the box
At least it was just awkward. Did you hear about the guy who actually used his bike indoors? Man... never getting that out of my head ever...
At least a 3DS Mario Player....
Best Final Fantasy game bar none. Doesn’t even matter the version.
If my clothes got shredded by ninjas, perhaps you’d see that I’m really Shigeru Miyamoto.
Hum...I dunnow, between Superman who is a god-tier character who doesn’t even need to eat and a (former) teenager who always struggles with his private life and rent and whatnot...Who spent most of his young adult life getting screwed over and hated by the very newspaper where he sells photos of himself for a meager…
Marvin the Robot, meanwhile, would have depressing, condescending opinions of every feature.
just create a lot of planets and let them crash whit this in the background
I really need this, but I dunno what I would do with it. I got the first one and...just...kinda...looked at it. :/
Somebody get Neil deGrasse Tyson to do a review of this game.
Ah JB, you truly are the cheeky little schoolboy of Australian retail. First it was your incredible in-store reviews,…
The problem here is that given the way the Metal Gear games unfold, that’s not really backstory there, it’s straight-up story.
And over 100.
Any time you try to cover something complicated in short form it’s bound to happen.
I always found it easy to follow, Just by paying attention
This guy’s Internet voice is AGGRAVATING. Guy: like, just speak. Like a human does. Please.
Man this guy is grossly oversimplifying things and has a bunch of factual errors too.